MVC1 sucks?? yeah okay buddy. Tell that to guys like Eddie Lee or Viscant and see what they say.
Oh fuck yeah, I’d definitley be on lock to EVO for either one of those.
Reminder to everyone what high level MvC1 play looks like.
Posted by Viscant on 04:22:2001 01:50 AM:
I suppose I can see what is being said. If you aren’t good at the game, don’t
know anyone who’s any good at the game and have no desire to be good at the
game, then yes, MvC1 is the better game. If you’re only playing at an
intermediate level then the gaps between Strider and Morrigan/Jin (Strider being
the best, Morrigan/Jin being tied for worst) is not that bad and not
insurmountable. Does this mean that those matches are any better than Cable v.
Zangief in MvC2? No, both are 10-0 slaughterfests when you actually know what to
Most people who play the games seriously like MvC2 better because the better you
get, the more you can do and the more characters you can play and the more
styles of play are open. Whereas when you get right down to it in MvC1 you can
a) Do an infinite
b) Throw
c) Chip like a maniac
To people who say that MvC1 was full of pixieing, I don’t know what game you
were playing. Chun-Li and Spiderman were rendered fairly ineffective because of
grappling games. Zangief stands perfectly still then any time you jump or dash
in you eat an untechable throw into option, Wolverine and Gambit can do him one
better by getting good infinite setups. Red Venom can one-up that by getting
guaranteed untechable throws into infinites guaranteed to kill both characters
(as long as the 2nd one isn’t Megaman or Roll) after the initial jab.
Also add to it the fact that both War Machines and Strider have moves that make
any pixie that isn’t Wolverine dead in the water (and the fact that they rob you
off 50% life every 10-15-20 seconds–WM charges 2 levels in 10, Strider in 15,
GWM in 20)
The way I see it, MvC1 was a lot of fun in the beginning, then as the game
evolved it got really boring and repetitive really quickly. And MvC2 was really
boring in the beginning then became one of the most enjoyable games I’ve played
as it progressed. Bottom line, you can like whatever games you like, but if
you’re going to say that MvC1 was a) more fair to lesser characters b) more fun
c) more diverse or d) more aggressively paced, I would LOVE to see what kind of
game you’re playing.
–Jay Snyder
Le Viscant
This is what I remember…
Last time I played MVC1 it was all about War Machine/Gold War Machine chipping. Can someone tell me if that ever changed?
and some more opinions from old srk
Posted by Dasrik on 04:22:2001 04:17 AM:
I am better at MvC1 than MvC2. And I still like the latter better.
I have to concede with Viscant about the people who insist MvC1 is a mindless
pixiefest. It’s anything but. Having problems with a pixie who just attacks you
forever? I dare you to convince me that hanging in the corner and throwing the
opponent when they get too close (Hulk and Zangief) isn’t more mindless than
running in for a combo. Better yet, tell me how 50% damage for almost free every
15 seconds isn’t mindless either. People who claim about mindless pixies are
basically guilty of it themselves, because they lack the patience required to
fight it.
Look at the top tier of MvC1. Basically, the only top tier person who is a real
pixie is Wolverine, and that isn’t even why he’s top tier. War Machine and
Strider’s dashes are too slow to pixie with, and trying to pixie with Red Venom
is a fast way to die against patient players.
RV and Wolverine are good because they can maintain consistent pressure on an
opponent, and their throw ranges are so good that turtling on them is basically
ineffective in the long run. Strider owns because he has the orbs and one of the
best duo supers in the game; the War Machines dominate because they have the
other good duo super.
MvC2 has a real team dynamic that MvC1 lacks. In MvC1, for the most part, your
back-up partner didn’t make one squat of difference to your point man. The Wolvy
in Morrigan/Wolverine didn’t help you win anymore than the Jin in Morrigan/Jin
did. The closest thing was using x/Strider for the orb duo. Your gameplay
changes dramatically with the team you choose in MvC2. Cable/Doom is very
different from Cable/Cyclops. Doom/Storm is not Doom/Blackheart. Slapping three
top tiers together will not make a good team. An example is
Magneto/Cable/Blackheart. They all get in the way of each other - the most
viable duo is Cable/BH, which is easy to get around with thought.
As for balance, the ratio of 15:56 is brought up a lot. Tell me, can you make a
non-idiotic argument as to how a game with 15 playable characters out of 16 is
any better than a game with 15 out of 56? MvC1 had 8 characters that saw real
action in a tourney - Strider, Wolverine, WM, GWM, RV, Chun-Li (her aerial
threat was taken advantage of a lot), Captain Commando (to counter GWM), and
Hulk (to counter teams without a viable duo threat). MvC2 currently has a roster
of 15 tournament-viable characters, and it grows all the time as new bullshit is
I think people complain because they don’t have the patience to play a fighting
game well. Patience isn’t a prized value in this country, I think. Hulk in MvC1
got you nowhere unless you were patient - that’s why so many people disregarded
him. And Cable/xx traps are hard to break if you lose your patience and just try
to hit Cable. I think people liked MvC1 because at an intermediate level, it
spoonfed hits to them, so everyone with a super combo was good. Whereas MvC2 at
an intermediate level is dominated by Cable and Sentinel trappage.
Patience is a virtue. Learn from your favorite kung fu movie! Sheesh.
Posted by Spider-Dan on 04:22:2001 09:37 AM:
MVC1 is trash. Let me make sure that that is absolutely known from jump.
First of all, MVC1 is totally dominated by five characters. To wit, if you do
not have one of the following five (5) characters on your team:
Gold War Machine
Red Venom
War Machine
You will die, in all sorts of entertaining ways. (if your opponent knows the
first thing about how to play the game)
The major difference is, in MVC2 you will die in all sorts of unentertaining
ways, where after you are dead, you will fully understand that you had no
chance. MVC1 gives you the illusion that you could have won if you had just
blocked that one low jab, etc., when in fact, you still died at the select
Has anyone else ever noticed the following?
Intermediate level players tend to think MVC1 is great (or at least, better than
MVC2) and that MVC2 sucks.
Expert level players will tell you that MVC1 is trash, and MVC2 is really good.
Have you ever wondered why this is? It’s precisely because MVC1 lets you think
you have a shot. MVC2 at intermediate level is like:
rock (Cable)
rock (Doom)
rock (Sentinel)
scissors (everyone else)
MVC1 never really has this problem, as you can always pick whatever characters
you want and do your strategy (e.g. Soul Fist rain with Morrigan), it just won’t
work and you eventually die. In MVC2, you can’t even get your strategy started
because you can’t move, or BH assist is hitting you out of the sky every 3
seconds. It’s way more frustrating.
Viscant’s view was exactly what I expected to read and I’m pretty sure that Eddie Lee would also say this game sucks. Matter of fact, I think he said exactly that towards the end of mvc1 in the arcades.
I suspect the most you’d likely get would be an exhibition, but like others mentioned you really would want to help the nation demonstrate that there’s a viable tournament scene here as seen at weeklies and regionals around the country. And I’m pretty sure (as with 3S:OE) that you’re not going to make that happen. Should definitely be a fun addition to your gaming options, though.
Maybe the new generation will pick up on this game and see that it’s better than MVC3 and start playing it like it’s brand new. Anyways I read what Viscant said and yeah I admit I was wrong about MVC1. I never knew back in the day MVC1 was so depressing to people haha
We did have an exhibition for this at a national scale, I think way back at B5 or something. All I remember is Arturo running away with it pretty free with Red Venom/Hulk or something equally dumb and boring since nobody could get in effectively on him. Aside from that, the closest you got for a large scale event was ECC4 like 2 years prior where the game wasn’t quite fully evolved yet but still played pretty damn stupid once people understood they don’t need to exclusively rush in to win. After that, mvc2 came out and no one cared about this game anymore.
That said, I agree that we don’t need to get a tournament scene going or anything like that. I’m just happy I can play the game again against other humans because it is still fun despite its obvious shortcomings.
There WAS a “new generation” that picked up on MvC1. That’s the only reason you have anyone to play it in on Kaillera/GGPO to this day. It’s probably not gonna happen again.
To be quite honest I’d rather watch MvC3 over MvC1, but that’s mostly because I have lived through all of the Marvel games. A lot of the shit I’m seeing now isn’t a whole lot different from the shit I was seeing in 2005-2008 when the “old vs new” shit first popped up online, or even 98-2001. It’s a disturbingly (and annoyingly) simple game.
At least MvC3 allows some chars to not lose at the select screen.
wow old SRK i really wish i was around for that
Capcom releasing this to XBL and PSN is amazing but I think they should have added X-men vs SF because there is a Canada vs Usa thing there and the Canadians always body the americans in that game.
Why bother having this at Evo when im just going to body everyone?
“i’d actually be willing to make the trip to EVO for the first time even though my money is a little tight”
"im willing to Money match anybody for 500 bucks at next years EVO for Mahvel 1"
That’s pretty much all I saw scanning through this thread, made me double take. Anyway, pretty much no opinion, I’m too nooby to have played Marvel 1
NickGuy0320, where did you find these old posts?
These petitions are retarded. If you want MVC1 at Evo, how about you bring some setups, start heavily advertising across the forums, social media, and physical flyers if need be, and get people interested to have a MVC1 side tournament?
This type of “OMG, let’s have Wizard run a tournament for my game that 5 of my friends and I play! Like if you agree!” posts are lazy and don’t get anything done.