Persona 4 Arena: Ultimax General Discussion (Out NOW in the US!)

I don’t even see an option to download them. I wanna try all the characters so I can decide on a main. :frowning:

Fuck it, Yukari and Sho will suffice for now. I actually found myself pleasantly surprised by how fun Junpei is, too.

Rise is weird as fuck.

They’re not there yet lol. The PSN store updates around 7pm EST.

I was able to DL Marie with no problem, but Adachi isn’t available yet. This was at around 2:30PST however. Could have updated since then.

We downloaded them both without issue… Try checking again.

Is it just me or does that Touhu guy (however you spell it) feel low tier.

I can also tell Rise is gonna be suuuuuuuuper annoying once people learn how to use her.

Adachi? Idk yet…

Rise can rock my mic. Annoying ass…

Marie seems interesting though…what exactly is up with her weather shit?

How Mitsuru this time around? She still top?

I’m not sure how it works in game yet… You should play P4G.

No idea lol. I’ve been too busy doing trials with Akihiko and the new characters. Akihiko’s damage output is ridiculous.

I know certain weather has like certain effects apparently, like refilling a bit of SP or health from what I’ve read. Though I don’t remember which did what. And I think Mitsuru’s high/A-something tier. I don’t think she’s like super top, but I think she’s still pretty good.

I don’t have to wait until next week. Amazon sent me an update and I should have the game tomorrow.

I think Marie’s electric distortion does wayyyyyyyyy more damage when under the rain. Phantom kept hitting me with it in our games yetserday and it was taking almost half a bar of health from me.

Add me to the PSN list izerosleepi

Need people to play player matches with and actually learn something … Feel like I’m just mashing out in ranked games against players worse than me lol

I was really into vanilla when it dropped but I stopped because the limited character selection online got boring quick. Hopefully the same thing doesn’t happen now with the extended roster

All returning characters have a new auto combo (shadow type characters use the old auto combo from P4A). Autocombos have never done very good damage but in ultimax it might be even worse. At the very least Akihiko does a lot less damage off his auto combo, which used to be one of the most damaging ones. They still have their place in certain combos (Akihiko often ends his combos with auto combo) or for some characters who might not have better options of some midscreen 5A confirms, like maybe Teddie or Shadow Mitsuru.

Adachi is a weird character in that he can’t get much damage off “basic” combo starters but with crouching, counterhits, anti-airs, awakening super, etc he can do pretty good damage. He has a move that inflicts fear which causes any hit to be a fatal counter, and a command grab that he can combo from on counterhit or fatal counter. He might feel kind of shitty at first but he’s not a bad character, just unusual and a bit unintuitive initially.

If anyone is interested in learning Akihiko, I’ll link a few of my dustloop posts. The Akihiko forum hasn’t really been organized for Ultimax yet and there haven’t been too many people posting so right now this is pretty much all there is. Hopefully it will at least save someone the dozens of hours it took me to figure this stuff out on my own. If anyone has anything to add or questions to ask either here or over on dustloop for Akihiko combos and tech please do so, now that the US release is out it’s the best time to share as much information as possible for new players.

If you’re on in about 30 minutes Kennedy we could do some matches. I need a break from Shadows of Mordor.

Also, @"Phantom Angel"‌ we should designate one of the world lobbies as the official “SRK” lobby.

I nominate Gekkoukan High School. Or maybe the Paulownia Mall. They got some of the best music tracks to em’.

Also @Effenhoog, could you link any useful Yukari tech you find?

Have you guys tried out Golden Arena? If not, you should. It’s pretty cool.


Send me a friend request if you wanna get some games in.

I was thinking about that yesterday lol. Which Arcana?

Emperor sounds good to me.

Akihiko’s Arcana… lol that works.

Designated SRK Lobby: 06 Gekkoukan High School, IV Emperor

GGs, @Effenhoog. I need to boycott people with Japanese copies for a good two weeks lol.

I swear, this is “Akihiko’s Bad Match-Ups: The Game.” Between Margaret, Rise, Yukari, Ken, Sho(w/ Persona), and Marie, he’s fucked…and those are just the new characters.