Perfectly balanced match ups

Err, well I was referencing the shorts combinations. >.< I can’t remember the specifics now, since it was in the Wiki, and think the wiki is still down. Unless someone put it back up.

Regardless, he can’t hit confirm the xx super like ken can x2 super

EDIT: just disregard, I can’t prove what I read over a year and half ago. It was in the combos section of ryu’s wiki, but I can’t find that section now.

nah you’re right about short short super but ryu has other reliable ways to land his super.

Oh by all means having projectile super like that is in the top 2 supers in the game, it affects me more like a mind game than anything else.

i think dee jay against sim is the most even match besides t.hawk vs boxer.

It’s on the main page, under randomness.

Somehow I was on a different tangent of the SF2 wiki.

Thanks Blitz.

Opposite over ajacent!