PDX Sole Purpose Fight Night: Sundays

im on xbl pretty often

I’m a nice guy I guess. I will be around, and trust Panda/Metal x Health/G Effect to update as it goes (update me while you guys are at it, I am #%$ deep in projects right now). Thanks gents

I just seen you in ranked match

I will make sure to shoot you a message when I get my box back. Its at my apartment in Eugene and I have been in Sacramento for the past 4 days for multiple weddings.

i been gone for a while (busy with the new job) but is sundays still on…anyhoot i finally got an xbox that i can brin…still need to buy super but i gots hd remix and mvc2…my xbox tag is BORDERHOPPERPEZ i know kurt had trouble connecting with it but it will work now

What’s up gang. I have been thinking of bringing back hosting at our crib sometime during the week. It doesn’t have to be necessarily Sundays anymore either, my schedule is pretty flexible. Any day in particular people would like? Weds is the only day I can’t do it really.

Sundays would be pretty cool now for me, I’ve got Sundays off for the time being. Any other nights that were going on at your place that people seemed to hit up?

Well, actually we have been having people over a bit in the last month, just haven’t been announcing it as the days change from week to week. Mondays, Tuesday, or Thursday evenings are good with me. We could still do Sundays (might have a few peeps over tonight), I just remember it was previously an issue for some players.

every night

Simon is trying to level up. (he needs it imo :rolleyes:)
w/o the dungeon where are people playing these days :confused:, also where ever people are playing can there be games besides ssf4 going on:wonder:?
:coffee: ssf4 is dumb. 3S plz CVS2 plz :blah:

u mad

:yawn:calm down simon cowell:rolleyes:

my emoticon level is too high.

Well, since Weds is the only day other than Saturday… I’d have to say Saturday. I need an excuse to go back to that Hawaiian place next to your house.

Sounds like we found the new panda…

FYI Ronnicle is erhm…yeah >> <<

I like females, opposite of panda.
maple story is goldike btw:blah:
quitting sf4 for maple story.:karate::karate:


now you can show people my :coffee::coffee:humble beginings:crybaby: after i become the #1 maple story teller:nunchuck:

Hella drama lol. All will be settled at Tilt? I am leaning towards Tuesday or Thursday evenings, Sat. could be fun too. We’ll see.

any day would be great I just can make it when a homie hit’s me up after 10pm on a school night! LOL Keep a bro in the loop!:badboy: