PSN: Zypha101
Location: New Jersey
Main: Chie, dabble in Yu here and there
Just looking for players to have fun with and tryna get better in the process
PSN - rubixgroove
Location - Texas
Main - Labrys (not Shadow)
Casuals are totally fine but I am really looking for a “mentor” or two… or three… so to say. Trying to make this my main game and there is absolutely NOTHING for P4A locally. If you play in P4A tournaments, you’re who l am looking for!
PSN - BloodSaint7
Location - Vancouver, BC
Main - Ice queen Mitsuru
(ignore the red name, i swear its not me that rage quits but a lot of people have rage quit on me before so hence the red name)
Pick a different character(except kanji) and you will get less people ragequitting.
naw its all good, I enjoy the hatemail and i’m too big of a persona 3 fan to drop her, sucks being a character loyalist when your favorite character is so hated. Only other character I play is yukiko because i like her from the rpg but hate zoning.
PSN: MikhailLuca
Location: The York of New
Main: Yukiko; subbing Teddie, Naoto, and sometimes Chie.
PSN: CyborgHippo
Location: California
Main: Teddie
I’m a scrub
PSN: ScrawtVermillion<br>Location: central America (._.) <br>Main: Labrys<br>Subs: Yukiko, Narukami and Liz<br><br>Casuals are always fine but i’m looking for Teddie and Mitsuru players cause I need experience with the matchup and please if you want to add me please put that you’re from SRK<br><br>Thanks =3<br>
PSN: Bboycasper23
Location: United States, FL
Main: Teddy
Just got the game about a month ago and I would really like to get serious with Teddy.
Location:United states, CT
Still new to the game
PSN name: EagleGeo231
Area: Sweden
Main: Akihiko
PSN: Neiburo
Area: Sweden
New to anime games! Feel free to add me.
Psn: kroc333
Area: Baltimore, maryland
Main: mitsuru
You can catch me on nygamer’s stream Monday’s and Tuesday’s
PSN: ninja-star95 (if my list is full, message me and I’ll delete someone)
Location: Seattle, Washington
Mains: Yosuke (Brosuke), Yukiko and Yu
PSN: rio0j
Locations: California
Main: Havnt decided, currently between Yukiko and Chie
<noob trying to get lots of practice on both characters
Main: Aigis
I just bought P4A on a whim and am looking for european players to body me. I’ve played a lot of SF before but it’s the first anime fighter i’ve ever played so expect the highest degree of ass.
I live in sweden and should have a pretty good connection to most of europe.
PSN: henq
main: chie i guess?
PSN: TralfamadoreCall
Main: Chie/Labrys
PSN: Zomarz9
Location: Europe
Main: Just bought the game but Yukiko seems ok.
Looking for players from Europe to get started with the game.
PSN - Serrine
Location - Bay Area, California
Main - Margaret, Adachi
I used to play the first P4 Arena with Souji/Yu as my main, but now I’d like to shake the rust off. c: