P4A PSN Matchmaking Thread

PSN: Yewni
Location: Ontario, Canada
Main: Getting the game this week. Looking into playing Kanji.

PSN: PanzerRaider0079
Location: 805 - So Cal
Main: Aigis, Yu, Akihiko, Mitsuru, Chie

Looking for other SEAsia players
PSN: pinakaguwaping or unityd3v
Main: Mitsuru, MagLizzo

… dude you need to look at a map sometime, coz it seems you dont know where any of the states are >__>

I’m from Canada :).

PSN: Viewtiful_Noel
Location: South Texas
Mains: Scrub Kanji and an even more noob Naoto

You can still google a US map to see where the states/cities are… its really messed up right now lol

I’ll fix it later

PSN: Ichipoo
Location: Southern California
Main: Naoto

PSN - Joe Shorts
Location - San Antonio
Main -Mitsuru

PSN- Iceberg381
Location - Jersey
Main - Aigis

PSN - Superior_Tech
Location - Midwest
Main - Mitsuru

PSN - PitifulKarmaZ
Location - New York
Main - Aigis

PSN - Sargeant193
Location - Maryland
Main - Working on it

PSN: RaynerWolf
Location: Georgia
Main: Kanji and subbing Teddie

PSN: tcorrea
Location: NJ
Main: Mitsuru

PSN: EvaUnit02
Location: Maryland
Main: Yukiko (yeah!)

Location:South Carolina
Main:Naoto(for now, I guess)

Location - Philadelphia, PA
Main - Yukiko

PSN: conda3
Location: Louisiana
Main: Don’t have one yet (probably Chie)