Afterall…if you cant laugh…your not a VEGA
Laughing is almost the best part. Bleed for me, hahaha!!! (Seriously, I love the laugh on the end of it I get pissed when people hit me out of it XD)
And I just noticed how much MILFs current signature is Vega in a nutshell. Too sexy for his shirt? damn right he is!
I noticed the taunt that most Vegas like is “Ugly and clumsy hmf” I know it’s MY fav. I wonder if they made any new ones. They have new comments at the end of battels, so why not make some new ones. I doubt it though. What’s ur fav taunt to piss off the RYUs? :razzy:
SWEEEET!!! I’m ready!
Yea, that’s my favorite too!! I love to use it on Akuma cause he’s so fuckin’ UGLY!!! I really like “TOO LATE! Ur mine now” cause he’s like, face fuckin his claw! I think it’s awesome but it’s waaaay too long. I can never get the whole thing out before I get a face full of Haduken. :crybaby:
Kara Taunt2, Ftw
Ive learned to appreciate all of them…I came up with an idea that I think Capcom should do instead regarding the taunts…each character should have all thier taunts available at the same time…so that each time u hit the command …the character randomely says one of his taunts…making it more like a conversation throughout the match instead rather than repeating the same thing over and over again…What do u guys think?
I tried to send you an add…but it says the online ID you have entered has not been registered ???
So I want you to send me an add instead
I laughed my head off when i saw this just now on the new so I thought u guys might enjoy a good laugh as well…
So a man is finally released from jail… he decides now that hes going to rob a bank…he slips the teller a note and takes off with the money…police say that the note slipped to the teller contained his inmate ID number …they trace the number back to him and give him 12 more years…LMAO…WHEN I SAW THIS ON THE NEWS…HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID??..
Probably a Ryu. :arazz:
Challenging all Team Vega members who want some? With all due respects… cough except cough “Tatsu” (To much hell)
I think he didnt have shoes either
If you guys havent seen hell yet…id jump on this opportuniy…make sure u give em a good tour TERROR
Hey MCRDParrisIland heres a good opportunity to play one of our finest…MCRDParrisiland is one of our newest additions courtesy of Kabuto_Y…MCRDParrisiland meet Mask Terror…Mask Terror meet MCRDParrisiland
Comming Soon…SO PAY ATTENTION !!!
NOTE: When you read this…reply READ
O_o" read
wait, Wtf does he mean by “read”? Was he going for “ready” and forgot the Y?