Our Race Has Suffered Long Enough ... It is TIME ™

Especially one I had recently from a Sagat calling me a retard.
We trade insults and then I get “You’re a funny guy. I like you.” I then reply with “Girl actually if you want to be correct.”

They then started being all nice to me XD Made me laugh my ass off for a good 5 minutes going “Such a suck-up!”

Lol…just cause your a girl…i bet then all of a sudden they want to know more about you…they want to date Vega now…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Oh yes, it was brilliant. Made more entertaining for me since I’ve never really understood the whole “OMG girl gamer!” thing until one of my mates actually went through it in a really blunt way.
They left me alone after a while but geez, talk about two-faced.

Actually, one of my worst ever hatemail exchanges was with a girl gamer(and excellent Chun Li player) I only realised after a couple of texts that this disgusting filth being sent my way was from ‘lady’! The stuff she was saying to me was so grim that if my girlfriend, who was asleep beside at the time, had awoke, I would’ve had a lot of difficult questions to answer…

I actually recorded the messages(as I do all my funny hatemail), but they’re far too vile/rude to display on a family website such as SRK!!

In what way…vile/rude?
I’m judging by the statement about your girlfriend they were rather…pervy? for lack of a better term at this time since I’m rather ill and unable to think at present XD

I’ve got them on my phone, so I’ll try to upload them…

This should be entertaining XD. Hate mail can produce some of the most amusing laughs.

My favourite one to date aside the Sagat one went:
guy D/Cs I send message: "Did you D/C on purpose or did the connection drop?"
I get back "Vega players are cheap."
I roll eyes: "Aside that, your problem is?"
I get back: “White people.”

I giggled. A lot.

Here’s a link to my homepage on Capcom unity…there’s a few amusing pieces of vitriol on display…the 1st text between myself and the female gamer didn’t upload. She said I was ‘a big bag of irish garbage, and she threw me out with the trash’ (she hit me with a last ditch Ultra in the final round, as I was taunting her in reply to numerous taunts my way) I replied with ‘You are an idiot’…it went on from there!!


@Kamisxy: SSFIV is getting released in Europe on April 30th…so even though, as a race, we’ve suffered enough…European Vega’s are going to suffer even longer!!!:crybaby:

Jeeeeesus, I can see why your lady friend would have found that bad O_O. They seriously are the epitome of idiocy.

And SSFIV related…I know your pain :frowning: Living in the UK myself we don’t get it til 30th. Dammiiiiiiit! And I have college on day of release until 1pm Waaaaaahhh!

I really want to preorder the special ed. But I really can’t find it anywhere.

At this stage, I just want the game as early as possible…I’ll pick up the special edition at a later stage. I have to buy it on both formats anyway…

One things for sure though, I’m definitely getting the 30th off work!!! :wink:

Damn I’m jealous XD I could probably mitch college off since it’s an unimportant lesson anyway on a Friday (Basically it’s a compulsory thing we have to do in college if you live in Wales. To get extra points for Uni…which are useless if you want to study in England because they don’t accept the subject).

I’ll end up playing it all day against my other half XD Into early hours of the morning.

Damn it now I’m all excited again!

Pity my missus absolutely hates the game and especially hates Vega…but I’ve got a twin brother(with a reasonably mean Ryu and Dudley) to beat up on!!

Why especially Vega? He’s pretty, awesome, has a sexy Spanish accent to boot. A complete Narcissist and knows it. Jumps off walls. Has a case of “I’m a clumsy ninja” (Refer to SF2 animated movie.) and squeaks if you light punch him in SF4 XD.

I never had a sibling to beat up on in SF, as a kid it would be me and my cousin and he’d kick my ass with Ibuki on SF3 D:

haha Ken B…for some reason i dont think thats a girl, its prob a guy posing as a girl trying to diss you, mad funny though lol

Super street fighter 4

:snka::snkb:Hey sup everyone…Lets talk SSF4 …with Super Street Fighter 4 right around the corner…we all know were gonna get it…but from where is the question?..and what are the best deals out there?..aside from the collectors addition…I know sum vendors have it where when u buy just the game you get a little something extra with it?..If some of you guys have allready pre-ordered it…then from where?..and what kind of deal did you get? Lets share this information with each other…as SSF4 nears release…I ll do some researching of my own and see what I can come up with so I can share as well…Thanks everyone :snkc::snkd:

Hate to break it to ya, but no ‘girl’ would write that ridiculousness. :lol: Mangina if I ever saw one.

There’s no way of telling of course…but I saw this the other day, when I was looking at a video by the Cammy player faux123 SRK*: [media=youtube]IP5EdgGMDbU[/media]
It’s hard to say, but those comments certainly weren’t like anything that any girl I know would make…well maybe a couple!

  • Here’s a video of me beating/taunting him…! :wink: [media=youtube]WkCXb4iLfwk[/media]

Hey am I talking to myself now?..lol…anyhow…

I found the game on Amazon for $36.99 + BONUS + FREE SHIPPING

Amazon.com Exclusive-Pre-order Bonus
Pre-order Super Street Fighter IV and get the Super Classic Costume Pack, which features all-new alternate costumes for Guile, Blanka, Dhalsim, Gen and Fei Long. Access code will be e-mailed within ten business days after the game releases. Offer valid when shipped and sold by Amazon.com, while supplies last. Limit one per customer.

Anyone know of or have a better deal ???

I started to buy SSF4 ahead of time off of amazon with free shipping but it will come 6-8 buisness days after it’s shipped to amazon so i figured i would be better off getiing it from gamestop or where ever unless you pay another $16.00 for one day shipping…

I’ll take the duty of posting all the SSF4 Vega Youtube clips rite here (i said duty :rofl: )…

Vega vs Cody:

Vega vs Dhalsim 1 & 2:

Vega vs Dan:

Vega vs Rufus: