Gonq Meetups - Thursdays at 5pm to Midnight
Student Commons e206b/e209, 2nd Floor above the Starbucks
We’ve got two rooms this week. Please bring monitors. We’ll be short for the foreseeable future.
Also, contact Verbal if you want to get Persona 4 Ultimax for $15 through sharing (PS3)
Yeah, someone should definitely get in touch with Tek since $15 for Ultimax is insanely good. I already pre-ordered like in August and am picking that up tomorrow, so there kinda wouldn’t be a point in me inquiring on it.
sorry for the late reply, router was rip. did you get my message from will yesterday?
until i can get a backup stick i’ll be holding onto it, so let me know if you change your mind anytime.
whoa i didn’t say that, adam trying to rile up the anime crowd against me.
also i’m not doing any batch orders/gamesharing for ultimax since i already have a digital copy.
just wanted to let you guys know that there’s a way to get ultimax or any ps3 games for dirt cheap.
okay so my friend wants ultimax but don’t want to pay for it, so i’ll be doing the ps3 gameshare thing for $15.
it’s super easy, all you have to do on your part is to log-in via my psn account then download ultimax just like usual.
@TheRealDaddy-O @bankshotv2
my friend said he can wait few more days, so you guys have until wednesday to download margaret. i’ll deactivate your accounts at 11:59pm (tuesday).
nvm, turns out neither of us care enough to buy her. also @Krackatoa i’ll need my portable speakers back this week, i’ll bring monitors to gonq but no integrated-speakers/only audio-out.
As usual, please find tables and more chairs for said setups. I was going to have to put my setup on a high chair and that’s sketch as fuck if someone bumps into it.