Thanks for having me guys… Sorry I could not stay longer it had been a very long day and had to be up at 5am today
Anyway good shit you guys have insane execution. Even tho I beat jensine I think he is a better player than Me I think he uses Hondas tools much better than I do at least from what I saw. Made me realize I am leaving a lot of damage on the table.
bummed I didn’t have time to play hash, i think you would have blown me up anyway lol. If you have xbl plz add me my gt is rawbertson.
I will have some time tomorrow am if anyone wants to do some early morning session
Did not really appreciate whoever said my decapre was awful… Stop that shit for your own sake don’t be one of those assholes that talks shit behind people’s backs please… In Europe people used to shit on me indifferent languages all the time thinking I didn’t understand, but in my own country, that’s some bullshit. I can forget it quite easily I would rather we try and level up united instead of have regional beef over petty shit. Sick of losing to USA all the time lets do this shit right moving forward. I hope you guys can make it to waterloo we will be having a big event later this summer with all the best players from Hamilton and Toronto, especially hash I think he is really strong and would be a huge chance to bust out
It was fun having you out to play. Also whoever shit talks someone’s secondary character they are trying to pick up in a new game is pretty weak. I mean really guys?
Everyone just stick to making fun of Will’s THawk and Adam’s Gouken.
Ggs mike thanks for coming out. I’m moving to Toronto in the fall for school so hopefully we can get some more games in around then.
Hash does have some good moves but I can think of a couple things he needs to work on.
How is everybody liking the weekly bracket running? I think it adds the bit of competitiveness that we need on a regular basis. Ranbats are a bit too committed, seems like singular tournaments are the way to run it
Yeah, sucks that we couldn’t get games in. You left pretty early it seemed. Gonna have to wait a month for online games though cause of PC and all that. Don’t know if I would’ve blown you up though considering you blew up Ottawa’s best player.
I think it’d be a good idea to add something like $1 pot entry. Its cheap enough that everyone would enter, while paying out enough for people to be serious about it. Just a thought.
Comparing my Gouken to Will’s T.Hawk is like comparing the Mona Lisa to a stick figure drawing.
I think its a good idea . Would bring some hype to the table. Also i suck ass so ima gonna money match a fool every time i go . Then ima start getting salty and body some ppl for my money back. Thats right im gonna be the best!