Ottawa Thread 2013

What do people want the buy in to be? $5? $10?

We can do a 'high rollers" bracket for a game if necessary.

I’ll join any high roller AE/MVC3, cause I mean really.

Behold as none other than familyman beats irockthevote in the last game of a garbage ft4 MM. Proof that dev’s probably going 0-2 in that hq tourney.

God damn, familyman is beasting on everyone lately.

I fly back on the 16th so I should be able to pop in after saying hello to family and stuff.

Edit: I guess I am going home to be a family man first.

Someone told me there is another Bison player in the Ottawa area. (Other than me, new guy, and irockthevote)

$5 or $10 works, whichever gets more people in I say

LOL familyman ryu mirror money match me, any amount

Ok paul, ill avenge my good friend jensine_srk. lets do this when u stop fearing n come out again. Im not leanding u my pad btw

Hey, trying to get back into playing AE after a long hiatus. I’ve never really been actively part of the Ottawa FGC but I wouldn’t mind going to any events in order to level up my game before USF4 hits. Is there a place where you guys usually meet up? I’m an average player, using Sim, Bison, and a bit of Gen(among others). My name is Joe, btw.

Sounds good Yang…I’ll just use one of my broken pads, I’ll be fine, maybe I’ll bring u beer get u a bit tipsy to give me an edge

Our old meeting spot is just about to close down, but we’ll have a going-away tournament there on August 16th. PM FreezerB for the address.

MBison (Dogura) v Sagat (WW.MCZ Ryan Hart) off screen

MBison (Dogura) v Zangeif (AGE|Snake Eyez) off screen

I have not met any of you guys, and not attended the meetups (but will most likely be in attendance for this last one…)
Are there any contingency plans for the future?

Algonquin meetups maybe? I haven’t heard from Bruce for awhile so I’m not sure.

I gotta admit, Bruce kinda fell off the face of the Earth for some reason.

Bruce is working during the summer, we have some things planned for the FGC coming up :slight_smile:

MBison (Dogura) vs CViper (RZR Latif)

MBison (Dogura) vs Guy (NGL Marq Teddy)

Babylon has some machines there, I think they have thirdstrike and mvc.

Anyone in the downtown area?

Last time I was there it was a SFIII:2nd Impact cabinet, so don’t get your hopes up too much, 3rd Strikers.

I’m usually DT.

SF4 and a little SFxT