Ottawa September Thread

i’m not paying money for that game

nevers! CVS2 tomorrow!

dont forget.

D if you are going to Jus meet us at OU around 945 or so .

bring tree cause i cant get my hands on none.

captain commando ftw

“I’ve was born with a Trust Fund… What son?”


I’m back. But I’m gonna take a short hiatus from running shit. If Ryad + Ahmed wanna do something, it doesn’t bother me none. Just let us all know in advance. Freddy will probably bring a car.

i’ll be at the cave around 6:45/7 tonight. do i have to bring my ps2 or just st/alpha?

idk if i’ll bring the behemoth stick, it’s a bitch to move around.

bring alpha

ya thats rite i woke up 1 hour late for work… fucked up…

i just want you guys to know the extent of knowledge the women of today have.

Naomi… says:
Morning, how are you.

Yall Want The Riches… I’m Content With Being Never Broke…Was Born With A Trust Fund…What Son? - The Fat
Dood who opened. says:
I’m 1 hour late for work thats how i am.

Naomi… says:

Naomi… says:
what time you supposed to be there

Yall Want The Riches… I’m Content With Being Never Broke…Was Born With A Trust Fund…What Son? - The Fat Dood who opened. says:
1 hour ago…

look to the east around 6 or so.

anyone else hitting the cave tonite? should i pop by?

I’ll prolly show up, not that it means much.

This had me laughing more than talkin to Billz last night did.

:shake: Trifling chicken heads

3s today?

who told ya u could press that?
Scrub, ya better step back
got the blue ken strapped hittin headcrack after headcrack
get thrown and poked by a gansta shoto
you say “Oh no!” you bitchass homo
high parry, low parry
Leave you smelly then take ya Pelle-Pelle

Last night was unbelieveable…Jus is not coming back to Ottawa, I will bet on that.

I feel like shit…4 hours sleep…kind of hung over. I need a joint to relieve the effects but I have to wait until I finish works…it fucking sucks…

nani nani?
Game on mahfuckas.
Who in?

Can anyone bring a burnt copy of PS2 3S and a swap disk?
I’d be indebted :smiley:

HAHA! U should quit ST though =P

Nothing works at the cave.

Edit: Champion Sagat for the WIN.

bring ggxx ac

It’s on your way , you mind given me a lift?

Sorry, I take the bus. Where do you live anyway if Gatineau is on your way?

no more house party, she is not going.

