Yea good shit. Sorry had to bail. Early morning class.
I’m down for Ehsan’s idea; lets do some casuals.
Edit: In class we discussed how there was a Christian group that recently went to Africa and tried to pursue the people there to stop using condoms to “save their souls”.
If we started at 7 instead of 9 the ranbat would’ve been no problem for everyone.
Random teams, not random teams, no matter what it’s not going to be “fair”, so that’s not an issue. Unless you class people in different categories of skill level and make teams based off of that.
Also the 360/Halo was a bad idea, just another distraction.
kinda disapointed in myself, did alot of stupid stuff, great seeing you all again, only problem i had with the tournament was the random drunkness everything else was fine… good shit ryad, sorry it didnt quite turn out
Obviously Brian is holding a big get together at the 13th but im not sure i will be able to go since i got to party wit peeps in the 613 for my bday. Also considering his birthday is 2 days or was it 1 day off of mine.
but who’s coming to NEC??? it’s ridiculously cheap this year. I’m gonna go down to The Wall’s place early and then ride with him to philly. I’m taking friday and the following monday off for this…CHEESESTEAKS PEOPLE!!!..anyone else interested?
IMO nec is the best turney of the year next to evo.