Other Games Third Strike Players Play?

CvS2, Starcraft II, can’t wait for Natural Selection 2 to get released.

Far as other fighting games go? Mainly Guilty Gear. I love that game. I really wish ArcSys would bring out a new one but not dumb it down to BlazBlue levels (though I like BB too, just not as much.)

I also play CvS2 a bit and SF4 here and there.

GGXXAC+ for the win. Really, me and my pals only play 3S and GG. Sometimes I get them into some SF2, but they don’t play it that well.

I’m also playing Touhou Imperishable Night, I love hard games.

More Brawl!

uh oh a roshi thread was spared

i usually balance one other fighting game casually with 3S. it was GGAC for a bit, then (S)SF4, now it’s marvel. can’t talk about its quality but it’s stupidly fun. seems random as hell though. i also play ~1 story-based game per year, generally in franchises i’ve heard of (mgs, resident evil, blah blah).

not much good games these days.
last game i played was majoras mask.

any uncharted 2 players?

Beatmania, Modern Warfare 2, random Cave Shmups.

Marvel 3
Tetris DS
Pac-Man CE DX

I play on words sometimes…

new super mario bros wii. super addictive. i’ve gotten almost all the star coins, lol.

Mostly Team Fortress 2 but I haven’t played that in a while.

I actually really enjoy Mark of Wolves. Even though its played by a hand full.

console or ggpo 3s


Quake III


Vector TD

Starcraft 2

Pokemon and Chocobo Racing

I sort of like Garou, but no one plays it. I want to give Vampire a spin too, but no one plays that either.

I think OP meant what other fighting games.

Rival Schools is fun, if you can find a dreamcast grab it.
Recently started playing AH3. It’s pretty tight I dont really care about the lolis.
I’d like to play GGAC+, I bought reload as DLC but never play it.

CoD has had my soul for the past six weeks D:

I honestly think 3s players would enjoy arcana heart 3. If you have a ps3 give it a shot next week when it comes to psn.

I just really play marvel ( the REAL marvel, not tvc2) and ah3. I play ssf4 because of the competition and I get super hungry for it sometimes. Im gonna start playing a lot more 3s though. the scene around here gets randomly hype for 3s and play it for like a month, then slowly stop playing it so much.

I always thought AH was a good series. Pretty fluid gameplay and also great variety in the arcana system. The only thing keeping it down is the fact that it’s full of little girls, which doesn’t fly too well with American players that much. I could never really settle down with just one main because I couldn’t really connect with any of them. I’m most likely just going to settle down with Kira, because watching Hayao play her is incredible and I need to get back in touch with grapplers.