What’s called herp derp?
It’s the Norwegian bootleg translation for Shen Long.
I love SRK :lol:
But to the OP yeah its auto pilot mixed with some sandbagging. Playing a set of players in a row who are too horrible to fall for mind games causes you to adjust to a style that beats bad players, sometimes i just ride out bait and punish until someone shows that they’re actually smart enough not to fall for it, sometimes it cost you a round or even a game when you get matched against someone good, but its much less maddening than playing every random scrub online seriously.
As i was explaining to someone a little while ago, sandbagging doesn’t make people dicks, there are a bunch of good reasons not to play at 100% all of the time.
Totally agree with this. Just beating someone down who doesn’t know enough to stop it doesn’t really encourage them to come back. Might also add the OP could be pissing the player off somehow i.e. spam fireball, same online crap over and over where the opponent took offense and brought out the whoopin stick.
I have type 1 herp derp…
facepalm Oh, shit…
I tend to play more defensively in the first round in an attempt to try and download my opponent. Doesn’t work all the time though . . .
The point of a game is to win right? So what gets me thinking is, why the hell would I want to waste a minute turtling when I could just take a few steps forward and waste my opponent in a few seconds? Makes sense, of course it does. If the other person is good enough not to die instantly then I might take a few seconds to change a little before sending him to oblivion.
If I run into someone online that I haven’t heard of I usually assume that they aren’t very good and play on autopilot until they force me to sit up and actually pay attention.