Omega DeeJay - It's DeeJay Time

Down+forward mk is an overhead, can’t seem to connect anything after it
forward HK>down HK is a chain combo, seems too fast to combo after that, but I could connect after ex.fireballs (two not one)
Nothing connects after normal MGU, you can cancel into focus level 1 but it just knocks down
Fireballs are very slow in parallel to the strength of the button used
If you use ex.sobat you’ll use 2 bars and get like 320 damage for just the move, which is equivalent to a super in damage, with a standing medium kick its 390 damage (including stun, but not double like normal combos)
Sobats are definitely much slower
All omega characters can’t do an untechable knockdown according to Desk
Neither can they use ultra double

I’ll post more later when I can play again.

  • Very high damage (but then again every character seems to have an easy mode very damaging two bar ex move) but seems pretty unsafe so far

  • Cl.HP hits crouchers…

  • Can no longer do super xx ultra 1

  • His qcbk special move feels like a bad jaguar kick or mallet smash and you can combo out of it

  • With Ex air slasher you can choose to throw one or two projectiles costing only one bar either way. Either hit recovers very fast. Out of the first hit you can link into normals depending on spacing and out of the second you can juggle

  • You can combo into mk sobat from lights

  • As Kahmos said, cr.MK no longer is an untechable knockdown (only supers and ultras are) but it can be special/super canceled and slightly floats the opponent

  • f.HK>d.HK into a target combo and fairly fast anti air but doesn’t hit crouchers. First hit puts the opponent into juggle state

  • I can’t seem to get full ultra 2 animation from any juggle

  • Knee shot can’t be used for a lower jump arc but it seems to have longer active frames and puts aerial opponent into juggle state

You can chain c.LK > c.LP > c.MP and cancel into MK or EX Sobat Kicks for really good (and hitconfirmed) damage.

No need to link. into cr.hp works dont know if its a target combo or a link (felt like a link), only played him a few mins before going to work. he can chuck plasma for days.

Man, I really wish we actually got some of these changes. ;~;

I think it’s just that c.HP is much faster. You can do cr.lp->cr.HP. And cr.MP also is much faster. You can do funny confirms like lp cr.lp into sobat and it’s super easy feeling like 4324522552512 frame links. It makes it seem like everything is a target combo.

Light Air Slash is ridiculous in the corner now due to the ease of links.

my findings…

knee shot causes juggle state in air-to-air situations on normal hit

  • can combo into upkicks, ex machine gun, or his new target combo afterwards

close stand hk causes juggle state on grounded characters is special move cancelable and will actually combo into lp or ex machine gun upper

his new target combo whiffs on crouchers, main purpose seems to be for anti-air and juggle combos

his new special move (hcb + k) is not an overhead(except for ex) and all versions can be linked into jabs on hit

close standing mk to cr.hp works

His target combo whiffs on standing elena. Figures.

I haven’t played around that much but dmg in Omega mode is sick. ex.sobat - 496dmg for 1 meter.

Hey whats up guys? I don’t really post too much on here but I noticed there arent many DeeJay Omega mode combo videos out there.
I put something together real quick, it’s not that great but it pretty much shows what is possible. I hope it helps, this isnt meant to show
off or anything like that. Sorry about the fade in and fade out and if you dont like the music just mute it and play your own Thanks!

[quote=“Shingaru, post:31, topic:172556”]

Hey whats up guys? I don’t really post too much on here but I noticed there arent many DeeJay Omega mode combo videos out there.
I put something together real quick, it’s not that great but it pretty much shows what is possible. I hope it helps, this isnt meant to show
off or anything like that. Sorry about the fade in and fade out and if you dont like the music just mute it and play your own Thanks!


youtube should add a “videogamesoundanalyzerrecognizer” to automatically mute music and add in proper sound effects.

interesting combos…but its omega…so, interesting combos.