Are there games this weekend? Let me know for Saturday/Sunday. Since Monday is Presidents day, I don’t think I have work or school. I might have to go to the hospital though to visit my uncle for a little bit though.
Nevermind. Looks like I still have school Monday.
Anything going down this weekend
No clue but it looks like I am working all weekend. I work tonight and am seeing ghost rider with some friends, tomorrow I work and am going to the creighton game. Sunday, I work but I have stuff going on it looks like. Might have to be next week or so.
Word, pick the scene up yo
Anything going on this weekend?..or soon?
Casuals every monday. I think maybe 10 people were there. Connor, I have nothing going on. You should join our facebook group, its what everybody uses to communicate.
Well until I get permission on the facebook group, anyone going to that tourney in Lincoln this weekend?
I can’t. I work every day on the weekend til 8 so it would be about 9 o clock til I get there.
Stream will be provided by Zexerous and Nova. All games being played on 360 will have a dedicated stream station. Please RSVP on the Facebook Event too so i will have numbers to work with THANKS! pay out is determined by participants top 3 is guaranteed
Its a shame I cant get any 3s going…At least its still gonna be @ SBO!!! I’d kill to be in that!
I hate the scene now man. I hate when people act like games like mvc2,cvs2, and 3s should just go away. Thats bullshit!! They kept ST around for like 20 years! Y not just play everything? I still say they made sf4 3d just to make money off of patches. The game sucks. Death to hand drawn sprites. Aki Man left so theres no reason to play that shit imo. UGLY GAME!!!
N I used to be the biggest streetfighter fan EVER!!!
Buck, I think Rocha plays 3S.
I’d play 3s all day if I could lol. I’m in Lincoln, though.
sucks to not have a cab and I heard the cab at FFC kinda sucks. oh that and i’m poor
ill try to be out monday.
Whoops, turns out Nick and Scott forgot that the Union is closed on the 24th so we reserved a room at Mix Barcade instead.
Also, you don’t need to be a student to join the tournament.
I won’t be there but there should be a few heads. Remember guys, tournament on Friday. Coliseum. Should start about 7:00, maybe later. I will be there about 8:30-9:00 due to work.
Hey all,
Just to let you guys know, I am planning to get tournaments going at FFC again (at the new location) soon. I had to stop to focus on school but that’s almost over now, so I have a bit more free time to do these things again. Once I get some more details about the new place (I haven’t been yet), I should have more information to share with you guys about setting up the first one.
I wish FFC would invest in a Japanese cabinet.
They had some at one point and they put Mortal Kombat 2 and Ms. Pac-Man in them. So even if they had them again, I don’t think there would be any guarantee that they would do the “right” thing with them.