Oil Explosion in Cali: Strip Club Evacuated

It’s currently 100 degrees here.

Wildfires are breaking out.

But this block is really hot:


I wonder who will be the scapegoat that blew their load here? Thanks Obama :tup:

What caused the valve failure?

The nigga duke nukem is bAcc :cool: ??

so a club full of strippers gets evacuated, and you fuckers are discussing what caused a valve to fail?

That’s pretty metal.

Nigga, singular. :coffee:

i live pretty close to where this took place. that explains the weird smell that was in the air last night lol! thanks for the info

Valves > strippers

Nah. I got bills to pay and strippers are scary. However, you could get a sweet deal since bitches ain’t getting no work/pay today. :tup:

^ where is that avatar of yours from man?

A stripper plus valves from -I dunno- the matrix.