Ogre Combo Thread

I know i did the original combo i listed once, but i can’t seem to do it again, which makes me think I either messed up somewhere or it’s a frame perfect link. I know the delayed hit box on blazing kick causes a very slow fall with 20 less base damage, perhaps i managed to hit with this which would probably make the combo character specific. If i indeed hit with that hit box. I’m able to follow up the Hunting hawk with either of the two punch chains. or just cr.M kick into waning moon for now i guess use that? I’ll see if i can figure it out and i’ll come back with details.

I’ll try to record my BNB and punish combo for Ogre later.

It’s a distance thing I thnk. Doing cl.HK pushes them slightly farther away, which makes the uf.LK only reach them if you catch them at the very tip of the arc. I think taking a little less damage for a substantially easier combo is probably worth it here.

And sorry for being a newb. What’s the xx stand for? : /

It means you cancel the move before the “xx” into the move after it, as opposed to linking it. Basically, you do the close HP and then do the DP + LK while the HP is hitting the opponent. This is in contrast to the crouching LK, close HP part (the very beginning of the combo), where you DO NOT cancel – you let the LK finish, then do the HP right as it finishes animating.

Cool, thanks Nybb =)

please feel free to ask me any question at anytime. I was on the deejay forums since super and i helped anybody of any skill level when i could.

Nobody should be afraid to ask a question in fear of a troll response. This a forum. This is meant to insight conversation and help people get better.

Nybb already answered your question.

ok so I figured out that cr.LK, HP xx OH , uf.LK just doesn’t connect mid screen because of the distance that the opponent is pushed back from the normals. The opponent is too far and uf.LK’s hit box is too small for it to hit. That is why off any jump in, cl.HP xx OH, uf.LK link is harder as well. No problem for either in corner in the corner though, so that is where your most damage will come from.

I am theorizing maybe you need EX OH as a replacement to those combos, will have to test it. However if you are going to use a meter might as well just do it regularly and tag OH. Its good for safety if you are not good at hit confirming and are committed to it and possibly more damaging depending on the incoming characters juggles.

Also found you can combo into Pandora with Ogre really easily, I made some vids that I will upload later.

Pretty much anything you can do that is cancel-able to EX Indigo wall bounce, Pandora and the incoming character can do super or short combo into super.

It requires only one meter for my ogrexsteve pandora combo, but if you have all three you get the most damage because recharge time off pandora sucks, I would have liked for it to be instant…


corner bnb. i don’t think its going to get better than this.

as for people having trouble with hunting hawk

its easier off cl. hp

and easiest of f + hk

ex oh does work

trying to work out a midscreen bnb for ogre but im not getting very far the juggle points are really holding it back whats the base everyone is working off?

My Ogre+Steve Pandora combo:

not in the video but the max damage combo I have is:

j.HP/HK, HP/HK xx EX IP, Pandora, ducking > fox hunt xx super

requires 2-3 meter, Pandora power up gem and does 750 damage

I like that new discovery, good job.

At the beginng of your jump in try using st.HP xx LK DP instead of HK. I found I got 20 more damage on this combo I put in the other thread.

This works anywhere I’ve found:
j.HK, cl.HK xx LK DP, uf.LK xx MK, st.HP, QCB MP = 421 dmg
j.HK, st.HP xx LK DP, uf.LK xx MK, st.HP, QCB MP = 441 dmg

Best stuff I have so far:

No Meter

Corner 483 j.HP/HK, cl.HK x dp+HK, c.HK (2 hits), qcf+P dash cancel forward, cl.HK x qcb+HP
Midscreen 448 j.HP/HK, s.HP x dp+LK, uf+LK > MK, cl.HK x qcb+HP

1 Meter
**Midscreen 490 **j.HP/HK, cl.HK x qcf+PP, j.HP, s.HK x qcb+HP

2 Meter
Still experimenting here…
Midscreen j.HP/HK, cl.HK x qcf+PP, j.HP, late s.HK x dp+LK x switch (MP+MK)

you mad a mistake that i was making. you’re actually not doing cl. hk you were doing f + hk
the first two hits of the combo are unscaled
cl hk = 100 damage
cl hp = 90
f+hk = 70
that’s why you were getting a 20 damage difference

cl hp is great midscreen because it makes the hunting hawk easier.

never thought of using a jumping normal after ex indigo
and for would ex indigo punch into a switch use 3 bars?
for most cases with 3 bars i think cross assault is the way to go.

j.HP/HK, s.HP x dp+LK, uf+LK > MK, cl.HK x qcb+HP


cr.lk, cl.hk xx owl hunt, uf+lk>mk,st.mk cl.hk xx special (owl hunt for tag combos imo)

defo this is the way to go i think
I think more damage can be squeezed out of this if your execution is on point my using cl.hk instead of st.hp

for tag ins i think

st.mk, st.hp dash cancel st hp owl is the best combo to do using up all the juggle points before you tag

this can also be an anti air combo alongside cr.hk dash cancels (cr.hk DC st.mp DC st.hp xx special)

Anyone find anything sexy off air to air mp? All I could find was owl hunt mid screen and cl.hk qcb+p in the corner.

Corner I would do cl.hkXowls hunt, lp Indigo more damage and keeps them in the corner

You can tag out I guess after owl hunt mid screen or corner and juggle with your next character

also if you start a combo on a croucher or get a jump in on a croucher it seems that the juggle changes to make the st.mk in the bnb combo whiff the juggle or make the timing tighter so replace with st.mp instead does same damage anyway so bnb should be:

cr.lk, st.hp xx L owl hunt, uf+lk>mk, st.mp, cl.hk

// scratch that bnb doesnt seem to work as the Hk isnt close enough to be hk

so bnb should be universal:

Cr.lk, st.hp xx L owl hunt, uf+lk>mk, st.hp xx special move.

The cr.LK st.HP link doesn’t work on all crouching characters.

Plus i thought it was known that the HH is insanely hard to land in this combo due to spacing.

This combo in general is way to unrelaibe to be considered a bnb.

On a different note i’ve been messing around with the LP LP chain. It gives hella frame advantage on hit and block. Plus it hits crouchers. For combos i do
LP LP HH (2-hits) st.HK xx L Owl’s Hunt = 254 (good for tag cancel combos) or LP LP Snake’s Edge, uf+LK, MK, st.HP xx L Indigo Punch = 261

Switching only costs 1 bar and the ex indigo is 1 bar. The combo also builds you half a bar so you’re safe to do this with about 1.5 meters. Cross Assault does do good damage, but I have to find a combo for it…

*** Sorry, this is actually 3 meters, not 2 meters. For some reason I got it to work with 2 meters in training mode but doesn’t work now.

3 Meters
Corner 687 j.HP/HK, cl.HK x dp+HK, cl.HK, qcf+P dash cancel forward, cl.HK xx Cross Assault

I honestly don’t really like air to air j.MP much, I don’t think j.MP does anything for Ogre at all right now and kind of is like a pointless move for him with how the juggle system works. It has an irregular ground bounce and sometimes the enemy will like fly too far away for him to do anything good.

Just a note for people trying to work on efficient combos in this game in general and not just Ogre. You want to basically not use any light or medium normals in your combos, just fill it up with as many max damage normals as you can to maximize your damage. For example:

Corner 655 j.HP/HK, cl.HK x dp+HK, jump up j.MP, land c.MK, cl.HK xx Cross Assault
Corner 687 j.HP/HK, cl.HK x dp+HK, cl.HK, qcf+P dash cancel forward, cl.HK xx Cross Assault

The bottom combo is easier, does 1 less hit and deals 32 more damage in the corner.

As far as I know, don’t waste your meter with Ogre on anything other than EX Indigo Punch, everything else imo is crap for combos. They add miniscule damage and don’t let you do anything important except for Indigo Punch where it makes sense mid-screen. The only other use for meter is switching and cross assaults for Ogre.

EX Blazing Kick adds 100 damage and you can combo into itself up to 3 times for 3 meters… but that’s not worth it. Just use Cross Assault, does more damage and combos in every situation where EX Blazing Kick can combo. If EX Blazing Kick didn’t count as a special move so you could tack on another special, I would use it in a heartbeat, but it does, so it sucks imo until someone discovers something great with it. I’ve tried, can’t find anything.

EX Ancient Power … 120 damage… that’s it. Not for combos.
EX Waning Moon … adds tracking…
EX Owl’s Hunt … adds armor…

Yeah, not very exciting, but I think we still have a week before this character gets fully cracked open, combo-wise. Just need to practice and find the right partner for him. I’ll see what kind of pain I can find off of a c.LK. j.HP/HK is kind of cheating since I don’t expect to punish people with that really ever.