OG ST at EVO! Yea im back!

Rotendo: Yea that private tourny was the shit.

Only changes to the cab from 05 are these.

Sanwa stick swapped for Semitsu LS-32-01
Buttons Swapped
Happ 360’s pulled for IL comps
Added ps3 (or will be adding it next week)

Cant wait for evo and for all the ST fun we will have.

Gonna be cool seein Kuni in person. Old men in action at Evo.

Grog, let’s team up. I’m assuming you want to play Claw, so I gotta find somebody else to scrub it out with (probably DJ or Guile)

anyone want shoo

i play rog

I’d actually prefer Sim since he has much better matchups, I’ll let you know what’s up since I just sent out a few PMs :tup:



Unless my sim gets good enough by then, but seriously, I need to see how you play.

shoo, wanna team?


Question to players entering my 3v3.

I am thinking about a format change.

Instead of the current format where 1v1 then 1v2 I propose we do a Matchplay format.

Team 1 vs Team 2 Situation

Before a match the two teams flip a coin to decide who picks team order. Team 1 wins wins the coin flip. Team 2 must set the order for their players.

Lets say Team two chooses for the order to be 231. Then Team one chooses 123 so we will have a 3 match set of

2 v 1
3 v 2
1 v 3

The first team to score two wins wins the match. But all three games must be played, just for fun you know.

This way everyone on a team must hold up some part of the team. I hate it when one team is hella weak and has one amazing player and just comes in and cleans up house when the rest of the team is defeated.

What do you all think?

I will make my final decision for format by the end of next week and post an update.

Rather than coin toss, how about blind select for team order? Each team writes down their order before the match starts and a neutral judge enforces that order.

The way you have it now, it gives too much advantage to the team winning the coin toss as the other team can just counter them in all 3 matchups.

It’s an interesting proposition. But personally, I like the original format better. Deciding team order is like another fun little mind game. Flipping a coin and making one team do it first could either really help you or really fuck you over. Honestly, if I had to choose, the “mysterious team order random” mind game just seems like the way to go instead of a “coin flip random” mind game.
Also, watching that amazing player do his thing by steamrolling three players in a row is entertaining. Those do-or-die moments are what people remember.

I’ll say this though, the new format could be a time-saver if time is an issue for whatever reason.

Good post Choi.

I think blind select on both teams would be best.


Its not really ment as a time saver, although it will save some. My goal was to get everyone in the match and playing. In my last 3v3 at 2k5 my only gripe was that one strong player would win it for the whole team. This way it kinda evens the field and the most well rounded team will win.

So how does everyone feel about doing both teams blind select.

this event is gonna be soooo bomb!

I like that, each team writes down their order before the match (while knowing at least who they’re up against still) just to make sure.

I like the double blind pick so nobody can counterpick.

Another Team:

SmoothCat, Paul Wall, Jion_Wansu

Jion: Do you have a team name or should I jsut call it --Another Team–

cuz in reality with Smooth on your team ur just gonna be out first round. :slight_smile:

Whoa it’s just blind select who goes first right, not the whole team order?

Please don’t blind select the whole order. Middle person getting a tough match because of bad luck fucks up the whole thing imo.

DJ, Honda, Bison vs.
Ryu, Dhalsim, um, Chun

First game DJ loses to Ryu team A shouldn’t have to send out Honda that’s bullshit. Being down a 0-1 is very bad in a 3on3 don’t compound that loss by having fixed order.

FWIW blind pick first player is how X-mania does it

Both teams tell the staff who goes first beforehand. link

re: people not getting to play. That’s what singles are for don’t worry about that shit.


BTW I’m not sure Jion actually spoke with those other two guys might want to check with them first. Also break balls all you want Wall is very strong these days.

Double post! Yeah I didn’t read what you wrote carefully enough

This is absolutely horrible please don’t do this.

Orochizoolander, Jion Wansu and Justin vs.
Airthrow, Mechanica and Deezo

The 2nd team would be absoultely 100% guaranteed to win you’re saying they’re stronger? No goddamn way.

I mean I want to say “tough shit” to this but it’s your tournament… I really think you’re fucking up badly though. Waseda style is only good for small events especially random 2on2 where you’re trying to give lesser guys more tournament experience. (And even with Waseda style a team never “loses” if it has undefeated guys that’s so screwey.) For a national 3on elimination style is much more exciting.

This is why im putting out there as an idea. Just to get feedback.

BTW looking forward to playing you!

Totally agree with nohoho on this.
I guess I’m too used to Japanese tournament rules :slight_smile:


I love this. This is great. Make your opponents’ think you have a weak hand and then capitalize (Hold 'Em stuff)…

Do what I did for teams at MWC.

Set a team order, like you said. Have them play, like you said. Take the guys who lose and eliminate them, and the guys who win and send them to the BACK of their order. And keep playing until one team is totally eliminated.