Prepare to get your mind blown
Don’t remember any of the themes but the animation and plots were crazy.
Apparently the episode for My Hero last night was done completely at home for the VA’s. That’s pretty awesome.
I was thinking of the opening theme. Not quite what I remembered, but the “ahh-ahh” has this kind of bent note that has always stuck in my head.
So I’m trying to get caught up in Black Clover since for whatever reason my DVR decided to no record 25 episodes and I’m in the shit right now that’s going down after Julius and Licht at their fight. There is bad juju all over the place right now.
Wait is this chick complaining about something that has been happening on Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon for decades now with programming switching like she discovered a secret conspiracy?
Edit: Has this gal never had cable before?
I can’t see the twitter post directly…is there a show she’s talking in particular or just all of them in general? I can’t even think of a show that they’ve had where there was a witch abusing a baby…Black Clover? I’m super confused.
It was a music video bumper.
I know this will likely only be funny to me but I always enjoy when companies announce they’re working together and the two or more companies in question are owned by the same parent company.
It just comes off as “this part of our company is so awesome we decided to have them do shit with this awesome part of our company to make something super awesome! Either way we’re getting our money!”
There are also interviews up with Steve Blum and Dana Swanson
Speaking of Steve, Honest Trailers got him to voice Spike at the end of their vid for Cowboy Bebop recently
Toonami is trying to hype up DC Fandom
Some batman movies are gonna get played for the next couple of weeks.
Assassination classroom is coming to toonami
Since I just recently watched Champloo all I can hear when Tom speaks is Mugen. Which makes the short speech that much more bad ass.
Mugen woulda cussed more.
gdlk hip hop instrumental starts playing as he swings his sword
Stolen from stu’s post in VGG
Looks like we are gonna be looking for animated sailors on Toonami