Official Ga Thread: "Our Time is now"

Fixed that for ya & IMPACT CLASH THIS WEEKEND!!! I’ll try to stream monster this up as well as the T12 tournament going on this weekend.

see you there funkyp, the crawford brothers are making there return.

live at bnb

I was awesome seeing everyone and Chris G tonight at Battle n Brew. I was running the Doom/Spencer/Taskmaster team that cracked under the pressure of the tourney. I’ll see yall next time.

That was awesome hanging out, a really good time. I think you and me played Russell, you were Sonic Doom right? You were super a super nice fellow to hang tough with.
FunkyP I was listening to your commentary and I guess I have a lot to learn about being smart with my hypers with Super Skrull and hit confirms. I know Hulk isn’t very good but I have an addiction to playing characters no one else plays. He will be better when all of the high tier characters get some small nerfs/no more dhc glitches. Hulk is getting 3 points of armor on his standing H which is sick. I know all of you good guys like the fast mix up teams which I think are the best but I’m a big guy and I just like to smash. Anyway thanks for the critiques on the mic, they are helpful.

Thanks everyone for coming out. Here are the results for MvC3 last night:
1st: GGC Grief
2nd: LB NYChrisG
3rd: TooMuchDamage

Impact Clash Time Lock Schedule:

11:30am-1:00pm Will be Registration

1:30pm-3:30pm Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition

3:00pm-3:45pm Tekken 6 & Smash Bros

3:30pm-6:30pm Mortal Kombat 9

6:00pm-6:45pm BlazBlue CS / Melty Blood & Guilty Gear A.Core

6:30pm-9:30pm Marvel v.s. Capcom 3

9:00pm-10:00pm Street Fighter 3rd Strike

9:30pm-11:30pm Arcana Hearts 3

Tag Team Mayhem Registration Opens 10:00pm and Ends 12 Midnight No Acceptions

Sunday TagTeam Mayhem Schedule:
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 4:00-7:400pm
Tekken 6 7:00-9:00pm
Mortal Kombat 9 7:00-100:pm
Marvel v.s. Capcom 3 10:00pm-1:00pm

Sunday Stream Schedule Brought To you in Part By:
Paul Nguyen a.k.a FunkyP @
Follow us for Constant Updates via:!/ATL_FunkyP &!/lordiceman

Stream Continues with Top#10 for each game on sunday, Time Lock Schedule:
Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 3:00pm-4:00pm
Mortal Kombat 9 4:00pm-5:00pm
Marvel v.s. Capcom 3 5:00pm-6:00pm

Yeh man that was me. Same to you man, you were a really fun dude and easy to talk to. Hope to see you back there.

[Oct 1, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Oct 1, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Oct 1, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Oct 1, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Oct 1, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Oct 1, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Oct 1, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Oct 1, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Oct 1, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Oct 1, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)

What’s going on in the gwinnett area tomorrow? anything? anyone free?

Hope everyone had a good time last night. Went pretty good for a last minute gathering to me.

A ton of fun wantonx, thanks again for hosting.

Great job too pokchop, stacy and tray for running Impact clash! Great job to Team FR at IC. Good to meet new faces also and sorry if I didn’t say hello to everyone. I was like a zombie since I was up working all night and came to IC during the day. Great job on the stream paul.

I may be able to do it again sometime in the next few weeks. I had a blast seeing everyone again

Man the facebook page has killed this thread. Hopefully new people won’t skip over our thread thinking we don’t have a scene because it’s almost dead. This is the longest we’ve gone in 1 thread in years!!!

I apparently saved you # wrong.It’s a napa store lol