Official Flash Animation/Games Thread

Bowser’s Kingdom 8:

based off of Super Mario Galaxy…make sure to click the chaos emerald after the credits.

Be Sprited:

Be Sprited 2:

Be Sprited 3:

think robot chicken only more random and using game sprites…

End of the Row:

so…moral of the story…don’t trust chairs

Shamoozal: Rated M for Molester:

I find this funny especially considering I work at Gamestop

Bowser’s Kingdom: Eps 9

stars of this ep are Karate Duo no.1 for those who’s been watching

PSP Nuts


This was made by Egoraptor.

:u: LOL, holy shit that was great. :rofl:

yeah that was on one of the awesome compilations lol one of the most hilarious things ever

Wii Are Sold Out:

This is what secretly goes inside the mind of most gamestop employees lmao

Lollercoaster, that was hilarious.

Darfur Satire Shorts:

the guy who did this also did the Sonic: Nazo unleashed series. He did one flash in the style of south park and the other has the transformers showing up to teach a kid about Darfur…hilarity ensues…




What if ego raptor did a parody of cloverfield?

Sprite TV 2:

sorta set in the same way as Robot chicken…cept using sprites.

Forgot to mention…make sure you watch it all the way through to the end…past the credits…and there is a bonus scene around the upper left corner of the tv screen

Edit: here’s the first one

Sprite TV:

Apollo Justice - AMU:

Metal gear awesome 2 is supposed to drop tomorrow…but it was supposed to drop a few days ago…apparently Egoraptor got captured by the mafia or something…


Egoraptor’s Metal Gear Awesome 2:

It’s a shame this is the last of the series…:frowning: but he went out with an explosion.

Edit: there is an easter egg with this…>.> It’s in the upper left corner of the menu…Warning: It’s random as hell and quick and probably NSFW…

If you like semi mindless violence then Madness is where it’s at

Madness Inundation:

I had almost thought that nobody was really paying much attention to this thread but it looks like there are a few who have let me know other wise lol…Thanks and I’ll try to keep it up.

Here’s another flash that I forgot I had saved from awhile back featuring my fave char from the series…

The Rock Lee Chronicles:

It was made about a year ago and it’s a sprite animation…a pretty good one IMO. The some moments in the action at the end made me lol…you’ll probably see what I mean but it looks like it has some pretty good potential. Can’t wait to see what he does with the sequal.

People with office space jobs…might be able to relate

Office Booty:

Sonic Shorts Volume 1:

If you aren’t a big sonic fan…some of the jokes may go over your head…

Dunno if this was posted in this thread before…it’s nothing special at all in fact the animation is pretty simple but it’s funny how the VA for luigi sounds like he’s completely out of breath during his rant. It’s also pretty random.

Mario the Fucker: