MGS3 epic crab battle
not sure if its posted already
Also have a nice teen titan flash. Dam Raven got raped hard.
MGS3 epic crab battle
not sure if its posted already
Also have a nice teen titan flash. Dam Raven got raped hard.
you didn’t post the teen titan flash…and the mgs3 one was hilarious…lmao…that shit had me dying at the end.
I didn’t post the teen titan flash because I would probably get banned because Raven got raped hard literally. At first I thought I was watching Teen Titans the actually series but it wasn’t.
ooooooohhh…>.>…ok then lol
PM me if you want the link lol.
it sounds pretty funny so go ahead and send it too me…
so anyway…
I love kids:
The cat…lmao…just another victim
ummm…wow…akira much?
Disturbed Johnny:
Awesome Compilation Vol. 4:
Parodies of FFVII, Devil May Cry and Donkey Kong
LMFAO…‘and that’s why it’s the best game ever!!!’, and why is he wearing a diaper?
The Easter egg is slightly above Donkey kong and the devil may cry parodies…it’s one of the lighter dots…He does a sketch where he voices what he (and honestly…I thought about those stupid ass psp squirrel commercials) thought about the psp squirrel commercials…fuckin hilarious!
FF7: About Random Battles:
wow…should i feel bad for laughing at this?
The Most Horrible Story:
…I’ve had this happen to me a couple of times while i was taking a shit…=D
Bowser’s Kingdom
not much action in this series…just funny situations and convosations…it’s all a cohesive story so if you watch the later eps without looking at the stuff before it you might miss out on something.
Bowser’s Kingdom 1:
Bowser’s Kingdom 2:
Bowser’s Kingdom 3:
Bowser’s Kingdom 4:
Bowser’s Kingdom 5:
Bowser’s Kingdom 6:
Special halloween ep Bowser’s Kingdom 666:
I’m still waiting for smbz(super mario bros. z) to come out…X.X…been checking newgrounds daily…supposedly it’s almost done now so i’m trying to keep my eyes out for it. In the mean time though you guys keep posting up stuff ya find entertaining! I’m unsure if someone has posted this before but for those like me waiting for the next ep of smbz to come out…here’s a small taste of the power of mecha sonic that alvin earthworm demonstrated on the poor sandbag from melee.
Mecha sonic beats the sandbag:
And as an extra…a small part of wario beating and finishing off the sandbag:
Warning!..sound effects are BRUTAL!
Rising Death:
was pretty interesting had some good animation…and uh…mexican samurai?
Blockhead Ghostmas:
twas interesting…reeeally random though…
Adam Phillips is beastly with flash…his stuff should have been posted in this thread a long ass time ago…his stuff is way too good.
The Crypt:
was kinda cool…kinda liked the way how the guy did the some of the animation stuff…in terms of the shots he chose…overall cool halloween flash
very interesting series…when i first saw the protagonist…I immediately was like…O.o…why does she look so familiar?..and…then i found out…don’t know if i agree with it or not…but eh…series is ok though…a few inconsistencies…(the shadow of colossus ref for me was so out of place…considering what she could do…-_-)
777 part 1:
777 part 2:
777 part 3:
777 part 4:
777 part 5:
777 part 6: