Official DarkStalkers 4 signature thread

it’s one of the few games I wish I had played as a serious fighter when it was popular, /signed.


Make it happen Capcom!

Signed. I thought Ono was going to read our minds and give this to us without asking, but if he wants us to say it,

Yes, I want it. Japanese arcade version + Console release for US.

Thanks in advance!

Yes! Arcade release as well please.


This is the one I want!


Jaison Wattula


I don’t know why everyone keeps mentioning “SFIV engine” whenever the idea of a new Darkstalkers comes up.

MvC3 isn’t using SFIV engine, why would this one?

signed for what ever it is worth.


signed signed signed a million times signed

For the future!


I think they’re talking about MT Framework.


co-sign for a lifetime

The SFIV engine is nice but I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.

Seeing how flexible MT Framework 2 is from MvC3 I’d rather see Ono use it.

Talbain and Jedah in HD O_O

I better see more then ten people turnout for VS at Seasons Beatings this year.


Wow, a petition that might matter!

that being said, I’m so all over this, gonna go find the companion thread on unity >

Whatever. Signed. Just give me Q-Bee.

Not like half of you are gonna play it anyway lol.

Signed!!! Make it happen.