Official DarkStalkers 4 signature thread



Check your pm’s.

But Ono didn’t ask for Cyberbots signatures. :frowning:


Every time I mention DS to someone who has played it they get hype over it. Sadly I haven’t played it yet but it looks fun.


Kajoq will sign that petition.


Felicia for life.

Get that bs out of here till you show me a tech demo that the sf4 engine can do more than make a crappy fighter then I’ll believe you. Also ggpo has the Street Fighter version of Darkstalkers called night warriors. and guess which one is more lively in both USA and Japan.


Man, Darkstalkers being at EVO would actually make me watch EVO without demanding friends or looking at the home page for results.

Demitri up in this bitch!

I’ll sign, but please make it 2d…if you can. Ono…please:confused:


Bring it!!

Just to be sure do we wight a single post here to be considered as a signature or do we sign somewhere else. If it is here then I’m going to type in word “signed” below.


Signed. Was my favorite Capcom fighter of all time.

This game deserves to be made.

-Tommy Midgets

Same here, less free.

That is some extreme ignorance you have right there. Now you are argung against facts, so you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. You have no argument. Playing on GGPO does nothing to revive the franchise and Engine’s can be rearranged according to the programmers desires. The End.

Signed. I need more B.B. Hood in my life.

…and why should that stop you?