Official complain about the new forum layout thread


  • Bigger avs?
  • Need an ignore function
  • Need a smiley guide
  • Bring back the MvC2 forum :frowning:
  • XBLA subforums are also gone
  • Converting over Subscriptions to Bookmarks would be kind but I guess not possible?
  • I can’t edit my Profile saying (“act like you’re used to it”) in any fashion that I can determine.

Give me SRK dark back please and I won’t complain about no spoiler button. Also yeah I don’t know the difference between agree and like buttons lol.

<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“nameingway”>i don’t really want to complain about anything, but it would be nice if the avatar size didn’t consist of 40x40 mini-thumbnails. </blockquote>
<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“Rodimus”>Damn thought the site was hacked at first. I missed SRK lol. can we have bigger avs?? </blockquote>

Seriously this. I miss having a decently sized square avatar. I also agree that we need a darker background color that the previous forum had. And lastly, isn’t the agree feature a bit redundant if we have the like feature already?


I’m not sure how alot of this is supposed to work. My AV is blurry for some reason, likes seem to be gone…holy shit this is way different.

EDIT: Nevermind, didn’t know you had to hover over the comment to like.

I like the Disagree function. Gives me less reason to retort, just hit the button and keep it movin!

No problems here.

Agree/Disagree/Like buttons are fine, and I never used subscriptions.

If someone gets the time to make an additional skin for this forum, could you please, please do us all a huge favor and bring back “SRK Black” in some form or fashion? That’s probably the one thing everyone misses the most. A dark background with white text was always easier on the eyes.

Without <b>SRK Black</b> I can’t apply Wesley Snipes’ betting strategies. “I HAVE NOTHING TO BET ON WESLEY!”

forget everything else. i need either SRK black or OG SRK blue.
i prefer blue.

also, i dunno how many of you guys have noticed…but there is a troll button now to go along with agree, disagree, off topic, etc…but as far as i can tell…its only found on a person’s profile page.

some of yall are getting troll buttoned.

just coz.

Outside of the stuff everyone else has said i don’t get whats with the giant empty grey square of nothingness thats at the top of the screen now on the right. Sizing doesn’t seem to work well either (shrink the width of your screen and watch what happens to the menubar). I’m just assuming this isn’t finished yet and it will end up changing again later. Hopefully soon

How about that SRK Steel Blue?

Give me them 2008 av sizes. And I cant see my “watched” threads.

scratch what i said, its not a troll button. ts a troll point meter.
there’s points based meter shit as follows:
promote off topic disagree agree like spam abuse troll

now, i see at the bottom of posts the options to
flag quote off topic disagree agree like

i wonder how someone can get troll points?
only one way to find out! right guys?

My only complaint is the lack of different colored skins, mainly a dark one. Lack of contrast is a bit much on the eyes. EVERYTHING IS SO BRIGHT. Otherwise I can’t complain so long as the forums don’t take 5 minutes to post a reply like before.

its too bright, and how do you edit signatures…i dont want this shit embeded everytime i post…

Avatars got tiny now. Not feeling this. I miss SRK blue

They are still working on shit so yeah, avs change size, things disappear. The forums won’t be 100% for a bit.

Micro Avatars…I cant see Bayside duo’s nipples

I assume bookmarks are the replacement for watched threads, just as watched threads once cruelly usurped thread subscriptions, yes?

Am I seeing this correctly? Am I seeing youtube vids in signatures? that should change…

I like it more than the old forum, but thread titles need more vertical padding, avatars are tiny and a dark theme would be very welcomed! :slight_smile: