Official AXISdapter Thread: SIXAXIS/DS3 Hacking Made Easy (ONLY PACK A avail)

Doesn’t Toodles have stock?

I found one on Godlike controls. I suppose that’s toodles right?
I really want to buy one and soon because they seem to be going fast.

It’s Toodles, though i can’t comment on supply.

Hey, who still stocks this?

Does anyone have the picture or write up on how to tell if your sixaxis controller has the 20pin connector for the ribbon. I see the newer ones donet use it. How can you tell without buying and opening it and then finding out you bought the wrong one?

I know the thread is old but I found 2 axisdapters and want to make a wireless fightstick but I’m not sure which ps3 controller to buy a new ds3 in the box or a refurbished one. Any help is appreciated.


Firstly, new ds3 in the box? Original? Link please

Ive got 6 of these adapters, 3 shinjn version and 3 toodles version, and all of them are using six axis pcbs, its not worth risking it for ds3 as its hard to tell, just try and get the non dualshock version

And no im not selling any, i got 2 vlx’s, 2 TE’s and 2 spare just in case…


Ive not been following the next gengaming scene for a while since i only got ps3, but i have just stumbled across a youtube video reviewing a brook ps3 ps4 & switch wireless fighting board.
Maybe try that.

Although i cannot vouch for psn classics compatibility, with the axis adapter because its an official pcb, you can use it on ps1 and ps2 games off the psn store

Thanks for all the information. I have a raspberry pi4 and using it strictly for mame fighting games like Street fighter, killer instinct, mk2 and 3 etc… along with golden tee since I have a trackball also. If I play console games I’ll more than likely use a regular controler.

Other than mame fighting games which use 6 buttons, what playstation games are good on a joystick? If there aren’t many I’ll probably ly just stick to a 6 button layout instead of using all 8 buttons. Any thoughts on button layout for what I’m using it for?

As far as the brooks wireless board. It looks great but is 80$ a peice and 2 axis adapters and 2 controllers is roughly 90$. So 160$ be 90$ for my 2 player fighting stick. On youtube i saw a video using that wireless brooks board and it shows up as a ps4 controller on computer.

You were right about the ds3 also…most are refurbished but there are some that say they are new in the box. Gamestop and walmart have them. I cant find any new sixaxis. I guess I’ll just have to get refurbished and hopw there are no issues.

True. Six axis is better because its an official item. Brooks is hit and miss.
I bought a couple DS4 pads last year to use on ny ps3 via brooks converters (did not like people button mashing on my ds3 since they hard to get, mainly fakes on ebay) and one of the converters is intermittently faulty.

Ps fighting games good on joystick…

On ps3 all the fighting games whether ps3, or ps2/ps1 classics. Too many to list, ive got all the digital ps3 releases of everything, and about 15 ps2/ps1 classics

Shmups. Ps3. Under defeat, ketsui, caladrius, raiden 4, r type, soldner x, mamorukun curse, raystorm hd

and loads ps2/ps1 classics dondonpachi, gradius 5, castle shikigami, psyviar, metal slug. harmful park ($1000 physical, $6 from psn) loads more, even some pc engine stuff available

Then you got beat em ups like streets of rage, golden axe, final fight etc

I even play ps1 metal gear solid and ridge racer 4 with arcade stick,

Create a WTB thread in trading outlet and someone may have some six axis lying around thats moved on to next gen.

Just be careful dont do pp gift or anything silly.

I bought all 6 of my adapters and 3 sixa axis pcbs all from trading outlet, shipped from US to UK with no issues.

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