Oh HO now! Send me a board man, I need to peek at that thing in an o-scope. I’ll trade ya some 5mm terminals for a batch of those 3.5mm ones if you got 'em.
And for anyone wondering about multiconsole: Fuhgeddaboutit. Major, major pain in the ass.
Oh HO now! Send me a board man, I need to peek at that thing in an o-scope. I’ll trade ya some 5mm terminals for a batch of those 3.5mm ones if you got 'em.
And for anyone wondering about multiconsole: Fuhgeddaboutit. Major, major pain in the ass.
ShinJN, does the ribbon cable connector fit in a dualshock 1 serie A, is it the same size ?
Yes please, Can I take 2.
PM me with details of pricing
This is great…
Thanks for your work making it easier for us to make wireless arcade sticks
I didn’t have a single ground in my stick either. I just used the same style as originally designed by the sixaxis and your board of having the three different grounds. So no mysteries there!
This is a fantastica idea by the way. I wasted one sixaxis the first time I tried to hack it. I might be down to get one of these as well.
Thank you, sir!
Looks like MC has pulled the string too tightly =(. I’ll send out a board your way during the weekend for some o-scoping. That should relieve some of the stress MC is causing you!
Right out of the box, no it won’t. You “can” make it work with any PCB that uses the flat flex cable connector. But what you have to do is cut and fold the extra connections on the flat flex cable to match the number of connections for that connector. I don’t promote the idea but what you do with the board is your choice after you get it. But just a warning, the flat flex cable is the most expensive component. If you mess it up, I won’t be held responsible! Also, you don’t need to add resistors since the DS1(A) doesn’t use any.
Ah, mystery solved. I’ll put you on the “maybe” list of pre-orders.
I’ll throw up the package prices either tomorrow or sometime this weekend. I’ll put the board through some HDR tonight. Since it’s just a simple board, everything should go smooth.
put me down 4 one…
I don’t know if you’ve taken consideration also of how much resistance to use. Back when I narrowed down the resistances that could work, I tried resistors ranging between about 2.2K and 12K, and in different combinations (like one 4.7K mixed with one 10K resistor). I eventually narrowed down that the only resistors that let the PCB work were 7.5K and 8.2K resistors. I’m not sure if one set works better than the other. I think the resistors in the membrane tend to be closer to 8.2K. Just something to consider in testing.
Thanks ShinJN I’m in for 1 unit
The resistors I’m using right now are 8.2k Ohm. =] I also tested using a PCB that Toodles put 10k resistors on. Same results.
ShinJN it all sounds great. i could use one or more depending on the price. Thanks!
Is it possible the use other ps3 controllers than the original sony? Thanks
Put me down for one also!!
i would like at least one as well.
very very interested
possibly for 2
Ok. I just played 40+ games using the AXISdapter I installed it into an all Happ joystick. My arm is shot to hell. I’m too used to playing on Jpn parts. Anyway, the board works just fine. There was one hiccup where I lost control of RIGHT for 5 secs but that’s because something got shorted. I didn’t exactly secure the PCBs so they were just flopping around. I just shook the case to reorient the PCB and everything went back to normal. lol. Anyway, first post will be updated with prices and current list of people that pre-ordered.
I want one! byrdo’s currently building me a ps3 stick case this would be great!
Sent you a PM ^_^.
It is important to support people who do this for the community I think.
You should call it the “YesUCan”-adapter because now everybody can do it LOL.
I’m very interested in this. If the price is reasonable, I will definitely buy one. :wgrin:
I kinda feel bad about stealing RDC’s pic now but at least it’s being put to good use