Offering help to new PSN SSFIV players

Does any of the trainees want to practice what Genistar taught us in our offtime?
Please add me :3

I missed this weeks session but I would gladly add you. PSN id is: sweet_poison_

I typically get on after 9pm during the week. I have kids. :slight_smile:

Nice thread, too bad i won’t be able to learn from these lessons, too much work to do lately, damned schedule :frowning:

k add moi

is this thread still active? i could use some training.

Name: Jamison
PSN: greenryu
(Who you are looking to main.): Ryu & Balrog
(Why do you want to learn SSFIV.): Because I would like to be good enough to rival with pro players rather than getting destroyed.
Are you planning on going to any tournaments?: Possibly

are these meetings still going on?

edit: balls

Not anymore i got sick and couldn’t do it.