October Outrage!- C3 (MD/VA) October 20, 2007

Im in for the lock in.

Where do I belong since I have a strong crush on both Kelly and Screech. :confused:

thanks havoc for telling me about this some time ago.
i have the free time now to be able to attend more tourneys. is anyone from new york going. ill gladly put in/pay for the ride or any other stuff that needs to get paid.:lovin:

:wonder: Oh snap, one more week… dood.

Pink is in.

So since this is a Hav/Ramza tourney i can expect the tourney to start on time right??

Yes… Expect this tournament to run on time, and more efficiently than last time. We WILL have time for team 3S at the very least; I can assure you of that.

EDIT- BTW, Ren, there are a couple of new CvS2 players north of Baltimore. Jason, Steve and I may be up there this weekend at some point, if you’re down to play.

Excellent. I’m gonna try to make it to this C3 with the little bit of cash i still have. Call me on sat., i’ll be at Towson doing some stuff, so i’ll be free.

Alright, I guess I’ll try to show up and try to improve (encouragement from DJ). I’m only going to have about 50 or 60 spending money next week, so counting subway back and forth. Entry fee and tourney fee.

But I need to know a way to get there by subway. Since I dont have a car. VA from owings mills aint that close.

I really love how some people think tourneys running late is the tourney director’s fault, and not the 25% of players who don’t show up on time or sign up right away. :rolleyes:

DQ, nigga! DQ!!!

Which reminds me… don’t forget, we will DQ you if you’re holding up the tournament

whichever team pvp slater is on is auto team bayside. fuck valley.

so noone from ny is going?

Anyone willing to give me a ride to C3?

I would only know how to get to the best place for someone to pick me up from the subway, by subway. Because I don’t know how to get there on my own by subway.

Just so people know…Spinning Beat is in the Baltimore area.

since you people want to chose captains i chose n-ken and rockman as team captains. that or kimmiks and bchan. that or a team va vs md. that or the possibilities are endless. but, in all seriousness if we have to pick i say make someone who can play all three games a captain. ill let u guys decide that.

on a side note i guarantee at least 10 wins total between all three games. in other words, pick me!!! lets do this!!! get hype!!! team bayside ftw!!!

we also need to set a cap on the player max per team. im sayin 5 the min and 7 being the max. also it would be extremely great if you were at the lock in.

i am officially throwing my name in the hat for the greatest chicken match ever but am not willing to be a captain. we also need to start an official list of whos in the greatest chicken match ever.

?? etc. etc…

Looks like I might not be going to this.

I like the MD v. VA idea for the team chicken match.

Just to be clear though, this has to happen at the lock-in. There won’t be time Saturday.

:lovin:im winning ST

Yeah… it doesn’t look like any of our ST regulars are showing up. You might have a shot.

That being said, everyone should hop in ST. You’ve got a shot!

<—going to the lockin.