NWM Loan Thread

What boards do you have other than ST?

EDIT: I should be able to bring a DC (w/ TDC2 if we want), a PS2 and a copy of GG:AC

I can loan -

1 tv
1 360(with all the cables…)
1 vf5
1 GG AC disk

Marvel, A3, 3s, and CvS1 :smiley:

I’ll give you $2 for your MvC2 board. But only if it comes with the Naomi converter (the silver box that runs between the game board and the JAMMA connectors). How 'bout it? It’s just gathering dust in your possession anyway.

I offered this guy $1K while drunk and he said no. Good luck.

Maybe it’s because you were drunk. Perhaps he didn’t think that you would honor that deal after recovering from your inebriated state. I’m sober right now, so you know I’m good for that $2.

Besides, you now have an MvC2 kit. So you’re out of the bidding.

So as not to completely derail the thread, I have the following gear:

PS2, w/ copy of Anniversary Edition
Infinite copies of TDC2, just tell me how many to bring

Don’t count on me for PSx/2 to DC converters. After heavy use during seasons 1 & 2, one of my converters is dead, and the other one is mostly unreliable. Blue screens all day, err day, as the minorities would say.

I turned down $1,000?


Koonaei said something on friday about how he was the official game supplier to NWM, and I wasn’t allowed to bring stand-alone copies of ST

I’m not really sure what he was getting at because I was in a hurry, so I just said ‘you do what you gotta do’ and left it at that

I told Jamie that he could be in charge of bring TDC disks and making them at the tournament if we needed more. It is much easier if we can just have one person in charge of bringing all of those for the tourney, rather than relying on a bunch of people to bring them.

I also told him to talk to you and work it out with you, because you wanted to bring some remixed versions of ST with nicer music. I would like some nicer ST music, but I am not bringing the disks, so you should probably talk to him again about it.

he can just bring a big pile of TDC disks and I won’t have to worry about it heh

fake edit: I will make copies of the stand alone version to whoever wanted one (Julian did, I think, anyone else?)

stand alone ST?

Who made those nice ass NWM avatars?!?! I would switch to one if it meant I could still use my Chun av, but since I’m not premium I can’t so I’m sorry =[.

I can loan out an AV Splitter (as seen at the Random Select tourney) along with a DVD Recorder (DVD+Rs needed) . Lemme know.


This would be amazing, we could hand record the pools and directly capture the finals.

S’aight. :china:

who ever still has my GGac and my 3rd strike i give permission to loan to this event on the grounds that i will get them back this way haha!

I can loan one PS2, two TVs (20" and a 12"), and one copy of GGAC. No way in hell I’m moving my 360 or 40".

No, I didn’t. I didn’t say anything of the sort. But go ahead and bring what you want. I just offered to bring a bunch of TDC discs and marvel discs.

Edit: What’s with the hate?

I got your GGAC. I was gonna bring it to Zach’s last time but SamY was all “nah nevermind I’m not showing up.”

So I show up to Zach’s, and who’s there? Yeah, SamY. I was like “wut.”

Anyway, put me down for two copies of GGAC then, and actually will you revoke my TV saying it’ll be donated? If I could figure out how to hook a system directly up to it (THERE’S SO MANY FUCKING RED/YELLOW/WHITE PORTS) then I’d bring it, but otherwise my adaptor 'causes screen fuzz that gets bad enough that I wouldn’t donate it for a tourney anymore. I can still bring a PS2, and 2 copies of GGAC. I just don’t want my TV to fuck anyone over. Hell, I’m still bitter about my first bye in third strike last tourney due to equipment failure.

man, you were like “so, i heard you were bringing some copies of super turbo to the tournament” and i said “yeah” and you said "weeelllllI was going to supply the discs"
and then i left

there is no hate, brother

Close enough. I’ve just got a few spindles of CD-Rs that I don’t think I’ll ever use outside of marvel/ST mixes, so I might as well donate to the cause. Brent wanted “official” suppliers just so people weren’t running around looking for who took their discs, I think.