NW Major's Money Matches?!

^^ I might be down.

That’s cool. Remind me on Saturday.



I’d be down for ST money matches, on cabinet! :badboy:

I was talking to Airthrow. Sorry, but you’d waste me in marvel.

oh crap i didnt realize i really you responded to my post, i woulda been down to play tekken for money. i was the asian guy with a white beany on playin tekken with the guys. good games all.

I think I played you in the evening…I was guy with the nike hat.


Dang I am sad I didn’t see you, you didn’t make it to the event did you? I was hype for a money match, too.

I heard Sam B be took Jmars money in Marvel! ! ! Best believe that when this kid is on, the game is over.

Na this guy SamB got raped.

P.s. We weren’t able to play for monies

Yea man so was i. Im sorry man. If you wanna meet up sometime or whenever we have a gathering you know Im down =)