^ Hahah that is pretty true. Although I’ve also seen Yipes rush Zero’s booty down during FR as well so it is sort of legit.
As for Zero going up high be sure to launch him as low as you can and delay your attacks when going up after launch. For example after grabbing him and L Cent Rush M H S, delay the j.H and then j.S. Also don’t add too many attacks during your air series to prevent him from going too high. Hope this helps.
Great Great Great Thread. Thanks to Marvelo, discovigilante and others for leading this discussion. I love the stuff on MODOK, Wolverine, Zero, and can’t wait to use this and put it into practice.
I would love for more specific stuff on how to deal with some of the more obscure point character/assist shells. One in particular that gets me messed up is the Rocket Raccoon/Jam Session and the Viewtiful Joe/Missiles matchup. Both are incredibly annoying and it seems as though Human Rocket is really the only option I have, but wanted to hear your thoughts on this one.
Hey no problem @JSong, I love talking about matchups. Be sure to check out the stickied matchup thread if you haven’t yet, there’s tons of info there too.
RR/Jam… I don’t really have any experience with. Dante/Spitfire, tons, but not the other way around. What is giving you trouble about that duo specifically?
VJ/Missiles can be annoying but only if you let it. Having access to an assist that beats regular Voom durability helps, and Plasma Beam is good enough. It’ll clear the screen and tag Doom. Just use that with good timing and make liberal use of Speed Tackle and Energy Javelin. Joe himself is hard to chase but you can at least try to shut down his ground game. TBH I would much rather fight Joe/Missiles than Joe with a horizontal assist like Log, Bolts, Greyhound.
More so that Jam hurts the approach of Nova and rocket is just a tricky character to get close to in general. I feel RR has alot of ways of punishing the approach (Log, diagonal gun, traps, etc.) and preventing rushdown, and can zone nova out fairly easily. Doom beam seems relatively useless here against him. Maybe the issue with me is not knowing the matchup too well, but I feel RR takes away too many of Nova’s options to be effective.
I think 1v1 Nova bullies RR pretty bad. If Rocky gets on the ground, assist or not he’s gonna be living in fear of Speed Tackle. Your goal is to fight him there and not from the air with either box dash H or ADDF H; they’re both gonna get tagged by Log Trap (or Jam or cr.H). Instead threaten on the ground with your longer range buttons like the slide and actually even sweep (which is less likely to get beaten out by Jam than slide), Cent Rush H if you can read a bad Log, and of course Nova’s many anti-airs should he decide to start running.
Mad Hopper should be the least of your concerns btw: from far away you can either punish or at least destroy the trap with Speed Tackle (just be careful if he has a lot of bars stacked so you don’t get punished with his level 3). Up close? You can actually just snap back on reaction, get the little bastard out of there and for some reason clear the trap without taking damage.
tl;dr just stay on the ground and challenge him there.
Edit: just out of curiosity though, does the RR you play against use Spitfire a lot? I find that a good pattern using both air and ground Spitfire can slow your full screen approach considerably.
Also I forgot, but be sure to practice conversions off of Speed Tackle against this character. IIRC you wanna go forward, up-forward then down-back. Forward to straight down is too high to convert I think.
Rocky V Nova is grossly in Nova’s favor. Here’s the highlights:
-Rocky has shit for a reversal, which means any character with a fast moving super that has any type of invincibility (Nova, Spencer, etc) can tear right through him. If he’s trying to stay grounded and setup all you have to do is wait for him to press a button.
-Rocky’s projectiles have crap for durability so if you can safely put up a pulse (as in he can’t reaction burrow, level 3, etc) he can’t deal with it. Log trap will go through pulse (not nullify) because it moves so fast (Bear trap might as well, I haven’t tested) that they don’t trade properly but that’s his only way to get through it besides Rock and Roll. The gun, spitfire twice, and other stuff don’t have the durability and they’re all slow. He can’t outzone nova.
-Rocky has situational anti airs. Unless he makes the hard read on log trapping a box jump or bear trap (which are both very slow) he can’t stop box jump H or ADD l. He’s easy to bully up close. Jam session would help with this but honestly there’s no reason to go in on him.
-Rocky hits like paper. Unless he gets an optimal hit confirm and can do boulder trap loop or has a bunch of meter you’re getting at least two tries.