As civilizations advance and get further away from the probability of everyone dying within a month, the age of consent rises. Those folks were like one large marauding horde of murderers or contagious illness away from being a scattered group of wanders. It was like Conan back then…but with fewer warlords running around killing everyone for lulz. Hell, I think they followed the old “If you bleed, you can breed” rule, with daughters having to follow their parents orders and being giving to older men as brides. Gotta keep that population up, and a child bride is a great way to earn an “in” with a neighbor who can help you out with food and goods, as well as help you protect your livestock and land.
Its not my rules, but justice and protecting people who stand up to criminals. And by criminals, I don’t mean jaywalkers or people who don’t file their taxes. I’m referring to real villains that it takes a spine to stand up to like this lady. The system acknowledged this by pretending she was intoxicated and slapping her on the wrist. Its not like she just got away with it completely.
Other than out of your own ass, where did you get this idea?
It says here in the article you posted but apparently didn’t bother to fully read:
She’s had to pay bail and has yet to make an appearance in court to determine how her case will proceed, which means she has yet to receive jack shit from the system, much less a slap on the wrist.
And why would the system “pretend” she was intoxicated while behind the wheel, when that by itself is a criminal offense? Hey, let’s pretend you committed an additional crime on top of what we’re already charging you with, because that will somehow make it better. Good plan.
Or the “real villains” can be handed over to the police. There are laws in place to protect people from sexual assault, and there are people who are trained to apprehend those who commit these crimes. Had she had more self control, she could have just called the police and had him arrested.
So now it’s a conspiracy? Of course, then she’d just be some crazy drunk lady who tried to hit someone with a car, and that would be tough to accept. We can’t have reality or the facts as we know them getting in the way now, could we?
He would absolutely be charged with attempted murder. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had to start paying child support for the kid that she was fucking too.