I have 2, maybe even 3, xbox 360 pcbs for sale, some of them are even semi-hacked but I am way too lazy and don’t enjoy stick modding anymore, so I would like to trade them for some arcade parts or some cashola. :tup:
One is a common ground first party pad, one is a non common ground pad, and I believe I might have a gamestop common ground too, not sure but if anyone is interested I will try to confirm their identity…they have been sitting in a drawer for like a year.
I will check the number when I get home, but I got at least 25 happ buttons, some are concave some are convex. They are heavily used so I would sell them suuuper cheap, like .25 a button…
Do you mean Tekken 5 Hori buttons and stick parts, or whole sticks? Cus I have prolly 50+ Tekken 5 buttons and a bunch of sticks.
the stick cases mainly
I have a T5 box that needs repair, I accidentally stripped the mounting holes for the JLF, so I am not sure how to screw the stick in… you can have the box for 10 bucks if you want, it has no PCB.
Trying to sell my car, 1988 Toyota Supra 5 Speed, if seriously interested PM me and I’ll link you to all the info!
$500, plus Pablo’s sister’s phone number. $502 without the phone number.
Is that my T5 case? You and keith need to stop being hella low budget.
Nope, I already gave Keith a modded T5 which he claims you gave him but is really yours.
anyone selling a te/te-s for xbox?
I claimed no such thing. Those two sticks are on indefinite loan. Much like Pablo’s Amerikkkan AE stick, his sister, and his dignity.
$220 bucks, then you can dual mod it later on. SEIMITSU EVERYTHING
lol keith
damn all that work i out into designing the art…
Damn! Second best stick art I’ve ever seen.
Okay, so I just got word back from Jacob that his TE dual mod I did for him works well. I had no guide for how to do that mod (because as far as I know, one for putting a paewong PCB into a TE and keeping the stock TE start and turbo buttons working, and the same stock TE cord doesn’t exist!), and no next generation systems to test it out on, so I was basically figuring it out in the dark as I went along. But apparently, everything works good.
So if anyone wants a Dual mod, let me know, you can order a paewang stick for me to use the PCB and I can do it for $40 or you can pay me in arcade stuff. Yeah it is probably cheaper and easier for you to order some chimp board or cthulu/imp, but 1) I’m lazy, 2) I’m pissed that when I did my first imp/cthulu for PS3 only cthulu board, I had to figure out how to get it working myself because the multiconsole and PS3 only were not documented properly. I hold a grudge.
That stick is tight!
think I posted up about this before but…
I know a bunch of you are/were interested in my CNC machined aluminum case. the guy who made it is gearing up for a second run of these, thread is here
for the ADD inclined, $135 for a silver case, +25 to have it anodized (there needs to be a batch of 5 total for this option), +10.70 shipping to the lower 48 (more for canada/overseas).
he’s getting pretty close to critical mass on the deposits and hopefully will start rolling these out in the next couple weeks. so get on it!!!
does anyone got some use or new sanwa buttons around for sale…lmk thanks
How many, and are you picky about colors? I also have some extra seimitsus as well.
hmmm i like sanwa more but how are the seimitsus? and what colors u got