North East Championship(Nec7) in Philly

i know u hope to see all the real players there so ill be there.

Fat Sick Boot:
UMK3 will either be on PS2 (If it is perfect and I’ll know) or on MAME. We’ll have some kind of arcade sticks available, I can 99.9% guarantee it. Last year it was a lot of fun running it on MAME.

Rushed, I hope to see you there, Caliagent, you as well.

Kyle, I won’t run an MKII tournament because no one will play it, and if UMK3 runs on PS2, I’m not bringing anything except PS2 and the disc. If I wind up bringin the gaming computer, and there are people who want to play an MKII tournament, I’ll run it after UMK3. Dreemer and I will probably enter it for kicks to beef up the player count.

NY vs Philly volume 7?? shiet its that time again…

kofxi and SS Tenka so nigga’s can get there soul taking by the beast of hades

You need a new avatar Eric ;O!

some suggestions- ss tenka, ALPHA 2

i love these two games, and they are kinda rare in tourney. they are both good games.

ALPHA 3 should def be in their too man V-ism ROLENTO/E.HONDA 4LIFE :slight_smile:

you know im there to support you every year big e!

Glad to see so many players thinking about coming.:cool:

Ya i will make a new avatar up this

Sorry to all new comers this is a console tournament. BYOSOP

I will post real NEC thread up next week.

If I can make it I’ll need someone to hook me up with a ride plz. I don’t even know where this place is. :looney:

can anyone confirm the rumor that Balt Chun will be there?

Bring Your Own…oh shit I figured it out before I could make a funny guess.

fuckin eric u better hold nec if it wasnt for nec and ecc us ec players would have no tournys to go to keep holdin shit down and get that foreman going make some extra money for yourself c u guys there

yeah, great venue and space.

I’ll be there with the VA folks.

Actually, that ended at EVO this year. It’s just EC vs WC now because we realized we needed to work as a team for once, lol!

XI, Tenka, NGBC.

^ dat’s right dark geese we need those games

NEC is definetly the most CHILL tourney to be at. Nothin to worry about and just playin games =** TOP! **:lovin: :lovin: :lovin:

my first big tourney i ever went to. def. gonna keep up the great tradition this year, nec is too good

is this torny for 2d fighting only cause i was gong to sugest ssbm or naruto 4

or don