K’ gets a lot of damage in the corner.
MvC3, KOF, and even Gears 3 in the building.
P.S. Never watched the intro of Ultimate until today, so I was laughing out loud when I saw Deadpool.
P.S.S. I vote Mundas as a Capcom boss to go along with Galactus.
I don’t know if I can afford it. I’ll know tuesday. Yuri actually seems pretty good. I thought it was funny that you can demon flip now too. EX demon flip is like hulligan throw.
Ha Ha Ha Ha
yeah… I really hope they add a patch for KOF online soon because this shit is getting really stupid. Just played some matches with a couple of friends and had MAJOR de-syncing problems where I was fighting a character that was still alive on my screen but was already dead on his screen, that and not being able to back out of rank matches is incredibly stupid. I don’t even think about going into ranked anymore the matchmaking system is just horrible.
Wow, they gave K’ the KOF XI special in the console version. Too funny. I guess they felt like they had to give him something to make up for the slight damage nerf he received.
EZ weekly results for the month of November are up.
[Nov, 2011] Elite Zone Weekly (Fayetteville, NC)
What games should be hosted at the next EZ monthly? Post here:
Well I stay away from fighting games online altogether, that right there being one of many reasons. Except for not being able to back out of ranked matches. To me rank matches are for you to prove your skills, so why would you need to back out? Plus it seems annoying playing against someone and then suddenly they just quit when they don’t get the first two hits in. But that would then lead to disconnects which I would assume would show up on the person’s rank record. No one is gonna bother with someone who will just disconnect in the first 10 seconds of the match.
Friday’s gaming session was pretty fun. Now to see what Saturday, Sunday, and Monday hold. Level up weekend continues!
P.S. I need more TOD power in my life.
today is my ONLY day where im somewhat available to play. what’s going down? someone hit me with the goodies.
Saisyu: if you see this call me. we need to talk KoF.
Man I really need to get off my ass and buy KOF13 already
Also If anyone wants to come down to GameFrog you guys can setup in the back tv. I am going to be here until close (which until I have people in the store).
yes your right sofa I need to man up and play all those 1 or 2 bars and prove how good I am at playing underwater, not that you know what I mean since you were saying som shit about disconecting which wasn’t even in my post. Also why do you bring up “skills” in every post? The only skill I’ve seen from you is your ability to constantly lose in money matches.
yah I gotta go with gamewizard on that one, the ranked matchmaking is TERRIBLE. sure you can search for a room with the latency you like but your chances of finding a room to your liking are slim. then they give you the AWESOME option to wait for a challenger while you play practice, but the matches that are found arent up to the specifications you chose while doing a custom match. then you cant even back out of the pre-match once you see they have a terrible connection. its like for every genius idea they have, they also have a retarded one.
but what do i care? im just getting them damn trophies lol.
i will be going to Jon’s today for KoF. who else is going?
I am stuck at work, so I can’t go.
Just in case you missed it:
BLACK WEEKEND LEVEL UP BONANZA. (not related to african americans)
Saturday / Sunday I’m opening my apartment any time after 3 for gatherings. If one day doesn’t work, show up the next! KoF13 and UMVC are out, so lets bust some heads and level up!
Hope to see you guys out and please bring a setup if you can! <3
Update guys on ReSe on Dec 10th.
I am going to host a TTT tourney for $5. 70/20/10 split like normal but I will have a copy of Tekken Hybrin Limited edition as a bonus for first place. If you win and already own the game then you can return it or give it to someone for Christmas or Birthday
Also I will need another setup for KOF as well. This game is going to run slow like CvS2 so the more setups the better. I am comping venue if you help out with a setup and monitor and comping $5 for just a system and games.
Please post and let me know if you can help out with a system.
Please post and let me know if you can help out with a system.
Please post and let me know if you can help out with a system.
Please post and let me know if you can help out with a system.
Also, I have been talking with the ATL crew and it looks like they are all going to be there so make sure you bring your A game and let’s take their money this time Working on some things for the MK heads too. I will keep you guys posted
I also have the dates for Jan, Feb, and Mar tourneys.
They are: Jan 14th, Feb 11th, and Mar 17th
Yo I been hearing that ATL been taking that money. Almost like if NC keeps it up we are going to put the ATL kids though college type of shit. I even hear that ATL comes into town like NC free for the taken. I don’t know man. I am still new to this state, but that what I hear on the streets.
Look this is my new home state now, I just feel bad that ATL is looking at us like we free like that.
Last ReSe I won AE over FR_Druseph after putting him in losers 2-0 and him coming back to almost win it with a reset. I won’t say we are free but they do win the majority of games.
At first I wasn’t interested in KOF XIII, but seeing some videos I think I would get it if I had the money, wish it was on PSN so I could get it through gamesharing. Most of the character design I despise, but the girls Vice, Mature, King, and Ash look cool. Also like the look and style of that short dude with the headband.
Jon / Demo, I’m still planning on coming out for some KOF if I get back home tonight at reasonable time. (good chance I’ll still be coming though).