Nominations for an additional forum moderator

Results are in, and Genelon wins overwhelmingly. Also, in order to assist with his upcoming projects that will benefit the ST community, VF4 will also be added as a moderator.

I’ve sent a request to MrWizard to make the additions. (Unless I’m just missing something, it looks like I don’t have access to add a mod myself.)

I don’t foresee any problems with either of these two, but always keep in mind that a moderator can be removed as easily as he can be appointed, so if any issues do come up, please be sure to inform me or MrWizard.

I had a great time (both times) at Stunfest, but I think from here out, the only tourney I’ll be going to is Evo. And even then, it will only be to hang out.

Honestly, I’m not sure. I’ve heard it’s pretty good, but I have never tried it myself.

Congradulations to the winner/s!

Also…who is genelon lol? kidding Señor NKI just kidding.

My clone would like to thank everyone for their support. If things seem to be going awry, I anticipate more redirection than modding. Otherwise, I’ll let things run themselves besides the obvious situations I mentioned above.

Congrats to both.

Honestly I haven’t seen any of these mods frequent this forum anymore NKI,Pryde,Buktooth,eks, except maybe NKI for this thread XD

So I welcome both Ganelon and VF4 as mods, now. Still, as I have told NKI through PM, as busy as he was, he was still the most active one, by far. Thus, if for whatever reason we either need or should have 4 mods again, we can nominate them in the SRK Moderators needed thread.

I’m willing to wait and see how two active moderators work before seeing if we really need four. I don’t think we do and I’m satisfied with the choices for moderators. Just hoping to see their names up soon, really.

Well, I’ve tried to contact Wizard several times over the last month or so, but no reply yet…

It’s funny how this thread was created before the announcement of “Mods wanted”, he must think you’re one of the hundreds that are sending him PM’s about being a mod for each different section.

Damn If I’d known I would have run for mod

Congrats to Ganelon and VF4 on your moderator status :tup:

Well it hasn’t changed over yet but it’s coming. Wizard said he’s getting to it eventually but there are lots of MvC3 things going on right now. And I’m sure everyone noticed that SRK and the Wiki were just redesigned so there are issues to iron out as well. This is going to be a big year for ST.