Nioh - Nioh 2 out now!

Try harder coconut…maybe after we get to the world of ruin someone will find you funny. Of course they will die because they won’t be high enough level(levels equal money in this game) to survive but oh well. That just means they were scum right?

The game gives you a ton of options dealing with enemies. If you feel the gang bang is coming when multiple enemies are running after you just use the skill where William (main character) can throw caltops the spiky things on the ground then they will get stunned. Don’t know why the game doesn’t explain the ninjitsu and magic in the tutorial, oh well

so i’m a coconut because??

because you say so. I’m sure the word of the resident black racist must carry a lot of weight. Maybe you should stop being butthurt and feigning like the SJW you are so desperately trying to be. Its almost embarrassing, but its mostly sad that you behave much like the white supremacists you seem to hate so so much.

replace cracker with nigger [insert n word here] and you’ll notice that you’re only one step removed from the the trailer trash that you seem to be so angry against.

but please carry on, seeing you get a hard on because some random white girl got kicked in the face by some shit head that was black, while you complain about all the “supposed” racism really makes for quality facebook/4chan tier entertainment

Shut the fuck up.

This is a mod post:

Stop derailing the thread with yout nonsense. Wanna flame each other? Go start a thread about how latently homosexual both of you are being towards each other.

Carry on discussing Weeaboo Souls.

fair enough.


I saw my brother play the game, and the sickle and chain weapon looks pretty damn cool.

Yeah the sickle and chain is freaking awesome, but honestly every weapon is really sweet and has really cool stuff they can do.

This game is probably going to replace or at least tie with Bloodborne for me

Look…yall compared it to Dark Souls lol. I didnt. Yall did.

And its not. You cant speed run, and it forces you to fight low level enemies.

Dark Souls whole community is built around speed runs, boss runs, pvp.

Nioh has none of that. So ppl will play it for a little, but dont compare this to that, its not nearly as polished as DS.

I ran past a bunch of enemies last night, dunno what you talkin about.

No the Souls community is not built around speed running, it’s built around PVE, PVP, and lore discussion, speed running is a small subset of the Souls community. PVP is probably the biggest part of the community and probably the reason the games have such longevity with the vast majority of players.

Yeah, I compared them because there are tons of comparisons that I already listed that are true. If you play the game you can see them. The other reason, that I also already stated it’s that the developers themselves have cited Dark Souls influence. And the last reason is that it’s just obvious.

You are actually wrong. You CAN run past enemies. Lower equip burden does many things. It makes your run faster, makes it consume less stamina over time, and makes it recover faster. Plus there are skills that can make you invisible and undetectable. You absolutely can run through areas quickly and you are never FORCED to fight enemies. They have limited aggro range. Now, because there are many narrow passages it may be true that it’s difficult to do that, but it can be done.

Yeah and all 3 of those things are possible in this game.

I’m not comparing a community, I’m comparing the actual game itself, YOU brought up speed running. As for the issue of polish, I don’t know what to say other than you’re blinded by the fact that you don’t like some aspects of the game

Well Gasa, you weren’t wrong about Demon’s/Dark Souls, I was just several years late. Might as well give this a shot now.

That happened to all of us bro lol

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I dunno what demo you guys played. You can not run past the parts where there are seals on the doors. Literally forcing you to kill all the enemies in that area to proceed.

Splitting hairs just wont work here. The game isnt even out and youre leveling it up to be on par with Fromsoft titles, and its just not that.

I said it wasnt like Dark Souls because its not. Everyones calling it Dark Souls in japan, and the only similarity to DS is that you are punished for dying. I already said this maybe you skipped over that part.

I dunno why youre so argumentative. You should chill out.

The Nagi-kusarigama is TOO good. They keep it like this in the retail game and I’m building my character around that weapon :rofl:

The are no doors that are sealed in DMC style, you just have to find the key. Every demo had been like this. I can even get video evidence if you like

I’m actually saying it’s better in some ways in my opinion

What? I already listed a ton of ways they are similar, you’re accusing me of not reading but how did you miss the part where I listed all the comparisons

I’m correcting your mistakes, and I’ll keep doing it until you are right

Ok, those side misisons with the optional boss fights must be a figment of my imagination. Because its no key and you cant pass until everything is dead.

You’re not proving anyone wrong here because I never actually disagreed with the comparisons to DS, I said its not like DS just because of the similarities. Yeah it pulls lots of elements but this game isnt even INTENDED to be focused on PvP, specific character builds, deep lore (not using pre existing actual history) and boss running. So its not DS. You sound like a writer from IGN claiming that any 3rd person action adventure is similar to Dark Souls because theres no free continue.

The game isn’t even out yet and your passing your own judgment on it.


Those are side missions, if you’re speed running then you will be avoiding them.

Souls isn’t ended to be focused on PVP either, it’s an option you never have to partake in. Souls isn’t based around specific builds either. You have no idea where the lore in this game goes, you are making an assumption and arbitrarily saying it being based on real events is a disqualifier when it’s not.

He never claimed any 3rd person action game is like Souls, that’s you grasping at straws because each post you make your position falls more and more apart.

Besides it’s a fucking thread title, you’re making a mountain out a fucking mole hill. So dumb.

Dude, I have no hangups about being wrong.

If this game has better lore and design than Dark Souls I’ll eat those words.

Uh, yeah of course if you include those, but those are side mission, what speed run includes side missions unless they are specifically doing 100% runs? Heck, most DkS speed runs, if not any% are all bosses so that already includes fighting.

PvP I agree on since that’s coming at a later date; specific character builds ARE a thing in this game actually; Lore, yeah I agree; not sure what you mean by boss running, but if you mean doing an all bosses speed run why would that not be possible in this game? Heck, the example you gave of the side mission that proceeds room to room doesn’t even have a boss in it so even if that was the category you could skip it.

I’m not saying it’s the exact fucking same, I’m not saying “IT IS DS” nor did I ever say that, what I said was this:

But they absolutely have a ton of obvious similarities. I never even stated the death mechanics in my list, but actually, now that you bring it up, even the Guardian Spirit system emulates the Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls 2 and 3 penalties for dying where you have reduced stats.

The greatest differences in the games are the world vs mission structure, the straight narrative instead of background lore, and the vastly different combat system. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have a fucking ton of similarites, and even with the combat differences the actual gameflow is VERY similar in that every encounter is a dangerous one and the player character is not crazy broken and has to play methodically.

Yall are typing entirely too much. Lets just wait another month to see how much better this is than Dark Souls since youre so convinced.