NieR: Automata - Platinum's Take on all the Weirdness of NieR and Drakengard

Drakengard has a really cool story but man is it hard to play. I never did finish it because it’s so tedious. But I love the world they set up for it.

The combat was bad and the framerate was even worse, but somehow the game captivated me and I even got the platinum trophy and bought all the story DLC

I wish I could find a copy of NieR at a decent price, or maybe Sony could release the game digitally for PS3 or a remaster for PS4 before this next one comes out

Looks like it plays well but the setting looks crap.

Was waiting for more info on Neir and from that trailer i stand firm in my day-one purchase. P* is way too OP shit is not even fair in these gaming streets. Also that music in that trailer was to die for, OST will have huge shoes to fill but that shit is all types of hype.

Man, I tried. I even grinded out all the fucking weapons just to unlock the last chapter. The last chapter was actually good, if only the rest of the game had been like it. Then I had that stupid boss battle against the demon dragon with all the fucking pillars blocking the view on what’s going on… frame rate tanking during integral moments, and lol… that final fucking boss. I mean, that’s when I put it down. Ultimate troll to not let me skip the cutscene and then reloading the entire level over if you fail. That’s like 2 minutes of waiting just to play that rhythm game which is super easy to fuck up. Maybe in 5 years I’ll try to complete it, but I have no incentive really. Certain things about the story had me wanting more, like what the flower was and why Zero wanted to kill her sisters. Plus Three was pretty cool, with her little mopey self and scissors. Great design. Game was a huge mess though.

Thread is making me want to start up Drakengard 3 tomorrow. I picked it up a few weeks ago but haven’t played it yet. I loved the original Nier, very few games across all generations of gaming platforms have hit me so hard emotionally when playing them, the latter endings, dialogue and scenes will hit you right in the feels.

Love developers like Suda51 and Yoko Taro for making weird, yet really enjoyable games. FYI guys the original Nier has gone up in price quite a bit. I bought my copy a few months after release for like $10 sealed. I even picked up a copy for even less later on for my brother, but he’s narrow-minded and completely disregarded the game because of its graphics(wish I was joking.) He ended up giving it to my nephew who ended up liking it, so it worked out in the end. B)


I bought my Nier three weeks ago from GS for $8.99 :coffee:

Everyone who enjoyed a JRPG at one point in their life owes it to themselves to play this game.


Edit: The game’s a lot pricier on amazon and ebay.

Yea I plan to really dig into it soon.

I got a few diff endings for Drakengard, i wanted to get all of the, but once i found out i had already seen the canon ending and the fact that you need all weapons to get the true ending i just said fuck it.

All endings are canon in these games, its just not every ending is fully explored or will be. And not every ending leads to the same games either.

I love how the craziest ending to Drakengard is what led to Nier, like 7-8 years later.

Yoko…Taro…? Happy…ending…?

Still playing Nier right now but man that trailer looks amazing. Cant wait until it comes out and the combat is giving me an MGR vibe which I’m digging for sure.

That interview is setting us up for a fall man.

IIRC he’s said that before. Yoko Taro’s definitions on words are shaky, to say the least, and he has no qualms trolling the media at all lol

So, judging from the setting of Nier 2


I’m going to take it that the father didn’t doom all of humanity by killing the androids and Shadowlord?

Yep, all I wanted to know.

I’ve been playing Drakengard 3 the past few hours.

The game is weird as shit. I don’t like it nearly as much as Nier so far, but it’s pretty fun.