I feel bad 4 u
The thing is the music sucks but if you go to shows there’s always beezies that are pretty damn fine. This applies to all white people music
I feel bad 4 u
The thing is the music sucks but if you go to shows there’s always beezies that are pretty damn fine. This applies to all white people music
Any band?
It’s okay bro you just have terrible tastes and are a terrible person. Not everyone can be interesting and enjoyable.
I actually can’t name one single Nickelback song without looking it up on the web.
good luck to you if you were DJing somewhere and put on nickleback to jam… lmao. oh man…
as soon as the song plays out, everyone will instantly become sober, dry pussy and facid dudes, the cowboy grungy emo lyrics…
[details=Spoiler] [media=youtube]eFxEmHR7I3Q[/media] [/media]
4 rock bands that are currently active, and produce better material than Nickelback.
You’re welcome.
lets start a riot because nicklebands appreciate!!@!~
gimme something to BREAK~!
I think Nickelback is trying to go for that folksy soulful music but fail because its so bland and generic. these guys do it better:
If you’re talking about rock and or roll in general, these guys are pretty decent too. Its a band called led zeppelin. perhaps you’ve heard of them. their specialty is making epic badass rock music. here’s one of their songs. AND HA IM NOT GONNA LINK STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN.
i didn’t know nickleback had an account on srk
I wouldn’t front a penny to see nickleback
The problem with Nickelback is that shitty music is predominantly shitty. On top of that, being abrasive to criticism yet somehow popular instils hate.
Also, who’s worse: Nickelback, Hinder, or Theory of a Dead Man? The answer may surprise you.
Worst, not worse. Worse is a comparative, which you’d use in the event that two things are being compared. You need the superlative (worst) when it’s three or more things.
(I do not apologize for the grammar lesson. Against all odds, I have used this thread to enrich people’s lives.)
How dare you?
How DARE you?
No apology required. Misused apostrophes induce THE RAGE in me, and I wholly appreciate my poor word choice doing the same to others. :tup:
Being corrected don’t bother me. It don’t. It just don’t.
Fishjie already won this thread posting CCR, thread is done.
Look at this photograph…
picture of my kicking your ass…
all because you like Nickleback…
If you took Coldplay and somehow made them even whiter, you get NIckleback! :tdown:
This is only one guy and he goes harder, sounds better than Nickleback and is actually musical unlike them:
No. No. NO.
Do NOT blame white people for Nickelback.
I admit that we’ve done a lot of bad things. But nobody is responsible for Nickelback except for Nickelback.
And Canada.
Fuck Canada!
Canada also responsible for Celine Dion and Loverboy. And Alanis Morsette walking around a video naked, fucking gross.
Nickelback is so awesome my phone froze trying to post awesome things about them…twice
Now I forgot the awesome things I was gonna say about that awesome band.
For some reason I thought this was a thread about some weird sport. I don’t think Ive ever heard of this band before.