NFL Thread: The Raiders will be moving to LasVegas. #blackhole2gloryhole

Breesus Christ is still criminally underrated fork how good he is. Top 3 for sure and can arguably make a case for best passser in the league. If the Saints just had an AVERAGE defense he would be smashing the entire league. Smh oh well I already predicted this to be a loss so moving on.

Russell plz

Sigh… I have Keenan Allen in both my money leagues. I have pretty good depth in one of them so it’s not TOO big of a blow, but it is a blow.

Graham must not be right given how so little action he’s seen.

Either that or the team forgot he’s there again.

Eli is on a mission today.

Eli all of a sudden has an embarrassment of riches at WR.

A healthy Cruz gives them the best WR corps in the league, just slightly edging out the Steelers.

Commentator saying to expect to see Graham in the 2nd half.

I’ll believe it when I see it, thanks.

It figures after I sing Eli’s praises he goes and throws an Eli.

Damn you Ciara!

He was hit by Suh which means it was dirty no question ban him forever do your job Goodell.

Flashbacks to SB49 why the fuck are you throwing on 4th and inches?

Also, still no Graham.

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And it only took until less than 2 minutes left in the game to finally throw a fucking pass to Graham.

And Tannehill sacked to end it. Suck it Dolphins.

Wilson to Baldwin cannot be stopped!

Locket & Thomas had a shitty game. Our o-line cant block. Wilson is a fucking warrior, playing with fucked up ankle for the 2nd half & getting the game winner. I got mollywhopped in fantasy but ill take a Seahawks win.


Wow run out of bounds what was he doing?

Dez is gonna kill T-Will.

Who was the Cowboys counterpart to EDP? Haven’t seen one of his rant vids posted in forever.

Can’t be a Dolphins game with them choking lol

Im on suicide watch fam GG