New Tennessee Thread: Put the Ball in the Hole

Nobody is gonna say it? I guess I will.

Dat ass. x3 (or x4, I usually try to go for 4) xx scissors
OS c.lp/ (will catch backdashers) c.lkx2(or 3) xx scissors, s.fp, xx scissors (frame trap) x2 xx scissors (also a frame trap)
off course you want to mix up tick throws into all this

off a landed j.fp or you usually want to go for c.lp, s.lp,, xx hk scissors or hp psycho (you can try for a after the s.lp but it’s a harder link). I usually just go for the scissors even though psycho can often give you better positioning/crossup setups because of negative edge screwing me up. After a landed j.fp you can also go for a link into xx psycho/scissors if you’re too far away for c.lp to hit.

OS a slide off a jump-in when you feel like your opponent wants to backdash or teleport, OS’ing roundhouse will work against most of the cast but whiff against the better backdashes (Chun, Rose, etc).

meaty will beat LOTS of reversals if timed correctly. If you’re close enough and they block the meaty you can mix up with either throw or xx sk (not really a frame trap but it beats throw attempts).

learn the setups for crossup psycho, after all types of scissor knockdowns you can set it up if you time it right and use the right version.

you can also link shiny hands into lots of stuff, kinda unsafe on block/if they predict it though (depends on how low you hit it).

That’s basically it I think. Bison is a simple character.

You can bring one for casuals if you like, but we need evo monitor setups for the actual tourney.

Also, did anyone leave a small LCD monitor in a black carrying case at Hastings on Wednesday?

Yea. Come to the one tomorrow. Bring the rest of Oklahoma Jr., er, I mean Arkansas with you. :wink2:

  1. Start smoking, then quit.
  2. By quitting, you add 10 years to your life.
  3. Repeat from step 1 indefinitely.

you are now highlander.

I can’t come. Med school test soon. Sorry bro.

How to Bison:

Cr. lk: Just spam it when someone is close, hopefully it hits and links into something usefull
st. mk: Spam it at midrange
st. hk: Spam it for unblockable corner pressure
J hp: Do it in the air sometimes.
Lk SK: Always follows cr. lk, make sure you do cr. lk > lk sk at least 2 times in a row. It’s unblockable on some people.

If your opponent can block and tech correctly, your chances of winning go down 90%.

You forgot the unblockable headstomp/devil’s reverse mixup.

How to Gief:
Punch Buttons.
Ultra 2

How to Abel:

  1. Stepkick.
  2. Random.
  3. Profit.

Lolol you guys are crazy. Yeah I wanna try and get those combos down but for the most part as far as his footsies go I understand those and seem to win more with him than I currently do with Guile. I definitely spam st. hk and st. mk like crazy I’d just like to have an alternate to play with. I’ve stuck with Guile since Vanilla and I’ve pretty much gotten to a comfortable skill level that I can live with. I don’t put enough time into the game to get any better so I wanted to take the plunge and pick up something new (has to be a charge character though lol).

Even though the system is different I’m hoping I can transfer a bunch of the knowledge to SF X Tekken and get a team of either Guile/Bison or Guile/Steve Fox as long as Steve is charge that is.

I just met a few peeps on campus that plays fighting games. Will potentially meet more in the near future. Also, I heard there’s a solid player here from Japan. We might have a solid scene down in the Boro finally lol

If there’s a serious interest, large enough group of people, and enough time in my schedule, I might start a bi-weekly fight night down here for students and players alike on campus.

I’m thoroughly excited. Best year of college so far, lol

You need to do that son.

Also I bought Eternal Darkness for GC over the summer and it’s pretty damn good. Only downside I’ve noticed since I haven’t beat it yet was the difficulty at the end shot up out of nowhere.

How to Viper:

  1. Herp
  2. Derp
  3. U1 for stupid damage
  4. Lose

How to Guile:

  1. Sonic
  2. Boom
  3. Block
  4. ChinCheck

How to Honda:

  1. Down Back
  2. Headbutt
  3. Hands
  4. Win Quote

How to Hakan:

  1. Lose
  2. Say “GG”

NeoDrew and Astaroth win.


How to Blanka:

  1. Do things.
  2. Have the other player talk mad shit about Blanka, how cheap he is, how you’re a bitch for using him, how he has better things to do than get electrocuted.
  3. Random Select.
