New Remy Vids

The corner trap is sweet. I seen that vid. before. I got to learn to do that stuff.

I am trying to game up my partitioning more than usual. I hardly use it.

The walking charges are the ones I can’t get. Urien also has a walking headbutt. I am sure Remy can do the walking FK.


There is the one with Urien doing the walking partitions. I can’t seem to get it. :confused:

Well here’s the thing, those vids were from 5 months ago. I’ve really changed a lot of things I used to do, for example after mid air Fierce I rarely do a sonic boom, I always try to do Flash Kick, unless I can manage a CBK xx Flash Kick.

That day I remember I was experimenting with stupid shit, so a lot of stuff I did there ain’t my normal shit. As for cr lk and low lv, I do that A LOT, really, even if the video doesn’t show it. It’s good to mix it up with cr. mp though, especially depending which characters you’re fighting, and knowing the ranges that each attack gives, since some big chars can get hit at a distance that other chars can’t.

As for the LOV chase, I do that a lot, it’s a great part of my game. The low LOV chase is ok, but if they block down they have a greater chance of attacking me once I get there, and the only real thing I can do is UOH, which can be easily blocked/parried, or close mk which is slow and usually blocked or option-select parried. With high LOV chase I feel I have more opportunities to attack, yes, some people my be smart enough to crouch under and attack, but after a while you learn to deal with this and learn to quickly react if this happens. I really need to record new matches, but I have to find the time to do this :sweat:, Like I said my game has changed greatly and I’m always trying to implement new techniques to my game.

PLD let me known when you’re free…I don’t have tons of free time right now, but I would like to see you in action and see if I can learn anything new.

Wow, good shit.

Damn good Remy man.


I’m more than likely going to be filming new vids today, featuring me and PLD against people from my arcade (Regency).

Thanks for the comments.

Yeah, good vids man. You’ve got some good mix-ups. I finally got the hang of charge partitioning last week. I’m in the process of switchin over to Remy and Q from Ken and Yun cause I thinks it’s more rewarding to win with Low-Tier.
-Q. GrayFox

Hey man, I saw that you suscribed to my vids. I made some new ones last night, but I’m trying to make a director’s account on you tube to post more than 10 minutes at a time…I taped over 100 matches of everyone at my arcade, including me and PLD. They will be organized with who is playing so you don’t have to look at every single match…Remy is a tough character to learn, but he is also a ton of fun to play with.

Be sure to show my outstanding Q. Hahahahaha…:sad:

Remy isn’t low tier.

When are you gonna get the new vids up man? I’m very interested in seeing them since I’m also a Remy player and I was taking notes, lol.

Hope this keeps you entretained…


My goal is to put up all the vids I took not just the remy ones…I just edited this one fou you guys for the time being.

stop flash kicking so much, otherwise you’re pretty good!

Has anyone been able to watch the new video…? I think either youtube is fucked up or BOTh my computers aren’t working… :confused:

I saw em.

Was this after I left?

Yea…as soon as you left I started owning up :confused:

Wack. I wanted to see. =[ I tried my Remy at the tourney yesterday. Disappointing, Why weren’t you there?

Anyways, had fun man. Regency is pretty far though for me. Where you exactly from?

I go to palm springs on the weekends, so I’m never around then.

I live in long beach now, but used to live in pomona…when I didn’t have that much school I’d go to every arcade I could, didn’t mind driving…now I have a shitload of classes so I’m sticking to regency/ffa…and I only have monday nights and friday nights to play.

I still can’t watch my own videos on seperate computers…wtf :confused:

Yup, just saw them. Good shit.

Here’s some more


wait till after the first match


watch them and study

They all have either me or PLD in them, check the description to see who is fighting.

There’s more with actual Remy winning vids, but still have to edit the size and length to fit on youtube…yea me and PLD were having a bad night :’(