New Mexico: ABQ Ranbats, Las Cruces TNF, and Community Thread (NM-ISM,DKO,LC:TNF)

GOOD SHITT DYLAN!!! That had team Hallmark written all over it
. Down for skullgirls tonight?


Yeah, I’ll call you for Skullgirls when I get off work AJ. If anyone else wants to play hit me up.

Ill just leave this here.

“You’ve Caged my heart” is the best quote ever.

i wonder what context snk had in mind to make leona say “apple juice” mid battle.

Hit me up for skullgirls ill be home around 8 is anybody good wanna play I get sick of smashing my sister at everything and I mean everything. GG where you at.

If somebody is willing to give me a ride, I’m in too.

Sick post dude!!!


For Friday we’ll have two games at my place…CVS2 and UMVC3!

Casuals will start around 7 PM for those that want fun games, and will continue the rest of the night.

CVS2 will start around 8:00 PM, be $1, and played all on PS2. Will need an extra copy of the game and an extra PS2 stick. An extra CRT would be super awesome too…hook it up Neil or GG!

UMVC3 will start around 9:30 PM, will be $1, and probably played all on PS3. I don’t own any copies of this so bring it if you can.

I’ll only have one PS3 and a bunch of TVs, so if people want to bring consoles/setups that would be awesome.

If anyone has any questions or needs extra directions, give me a call at 977-3177.

Hope to see everyone there!

Cannes Jury Prize this year. I can smell it.

Only 256 places for Final Showdown at Evo? At least $500 for top 16???

I’m already registered.


I don’t understand.

Thanks Dylan, now everyone’s gonna think this game is completely weird and gay and not play it.

…Oh yeah. Right.

Did I hear someone say CVS2?!

Results 5/18/12:



Here’s that video I was talking about, Pat.

Pretty awesome.