New Mexico: ABQ Ranbats, Las Cruces TNF, and Community Thread (NM-ISM,DKO,LC:TNF)

You love BALLS and I have bad grammar. Yet bad grammer is EPIC? The sad thing Ian is my grammar is top tier compared to your gaming skills.

WTF did DJ really just post that after mikes post? Thats the funniest shit ever. Yes it is going nicely tons of drama and calling smash player fags. That is right where we left off.

I’m so proud of us

ABQ is truly a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Let me see if I get a response this way…hey you fucking idiots, any word on sending people to evo? I asked nicely, but I get no response that way

We should talk about it tonight when everyone is in one room.

Calm down bro. I was gonna talk to you about it tonight.

Lemme put it this way. If you win you can use it to go to EVO. But you gotta win first. And ideally the money would be used to go to tournaments other than EVO only because with so many of is going it is much cheaper than going by yourself . If you however have no means to go to EVO and win. Then I see no reason you couldn’t use the money that way.

BREAKING NEWS: Prepare yourselves for Jackie Chan Fists of Fire tonight!

Pretty likely that i’ll be showing up tonight.
Theres no SF, and i’m not gonna play MVC3 tonight so, we’ll see if League Of Legends will allow me to leave the house.

I dont think ill make it out tonight. Feeling pretty sick :frowning:

1/13/12 Results


UMVC3 (featuring the most legit reset ever):

So Tekken 4 tourney next week? :smiley:

I gots KOF, hit me up on Xbox.

Lol, Dylan suggesting obviously terrible games so he can find out who actually supports trash. Good shit!!

Lol, Mike hating on games he can’t play… :slight_smile:

Martin said your trash. Martin never ever lies, EVERRRR.
I’m down as fuck for T4 only if Jin is band so there can be tons of just frame madness instead of only laser scrapers.

Pfffttt, Tekken 4 takes 2 minutes to get down, and then you’re a candidate for winning Evo2k4.

Also, true story, but I bodied Mr.Wizard at Texas Showdown 2 in Tekken 4 with Law’s 1,2,3 over and over and over and over and over. In fact, I think I went like 3-2 with just that strategy alone.

Oh man, what a difficult game to play.

Got some legit art by Gene Ha this weekend for all you wolvie fanboys…will be posting it soon :slight_smile:

Could you be any fucking dumber. Because you can press 1,2,3 your good? Or because you beat Mr wizard? Dude shut the fuck up and stick to 2D and sucking mr wizards dick and let us worry about 3D games which you obviously know shit about you fuckhead.

2 minutes to get down laser scrapers but if you put on your glasses and read my post you’d know I want JIN banned besides that there tons of just frames and hidden gems in the game but because of lack of updates back then it could not be fixed. So do me a favor and kill yourself. On video and have someone link it for me please.

Damn doggy you got trolled so hard.

Dat Troll :smiley: