New Mexico: ABQ Ranbats, Las Cruces TNF, and Community Thread (NM-ISM,DKO,LC:TNF)

Hey Dylan wanted to make it last night but my son was sick so I just stayed home. I will hit you up tonight I did talk to my dawg craig last night thank god. I’ll hopefully be putting another stick together soon.

For Friday we’ll have two games at my place…Street Fighter x Tekken and Soul Calibur 5!

Casuals will start around **7 **PM for those that want fun games, and will continue the rest of the night.

SxT will start around 8:30 PM, be $1, and played all on PS3. Might need an extra copy of the game. Will be doing this game first in case it takes a while to get it finished. Gems are are allowed under the following conditions: pre-order/DLC gems are banned, gems can only be set once per match, and assist gems are banned. If possible, please come knowing the catalog numbers of the gems you want to set. It will help the tourney run a bit faster.

SC5 will start around 10** PM **(or whenever SxT finishes), will be $1, and played all on PS3. If SxT goes long (past 11pm) we may have to cancel this game, but I don’t see this being an issue.

I’ll only have one PS3 and a bunch of TVs, so if people want to bring consoles/setups that would be awesome.

If anyone has any questions or needs extra directions, give me a call at 977-3177.

Hope to see everyone there!

Man, hopefully I’ll be able to hit up Dylans place next Friday.

If you still have it on friday I will take it off your hands, don’t get paid till then

I get off work at 930, so I’ll try to stop by!

Vanilla Marvel tourney next week? :stuck_out_tongue:

If I do have next weekend off, I’d be down to play new games like Soul Calibur 5 and…

I heard some other new game came out tuesday, so I bought it but inside I just found a steaming pile of poop.

You must mean Mass Effect 3.

How I feel about SF x T


I’m not sure you’re referring to how much he hates old ladies or how terrible his acting is. Either way, there is no way SFxT can come close to sucking that much.

No, I’m referring to it sucking through a fucked oxygen tube and making me want to kill old, helpless, women.

Well, just so long as it doesn’t make you star in dozens of shitty roles, tarnishing your already mediocre career, just to pay off a mountain of debt.

i thought national treasure and the sorcerer’s apprentice were both pretty good.

Allow me to post my SFxT Nic Cage reaction gif:

Also fuck you, Valley Girl was good

So was Raising Arizona! I’m not saying he’s only done shit. But if you had to average out his career, it’d probably be pretty well into the shit side of the curve.

While I’m at it: