New 3s Technique: Keeper Jin

Yun is a Marvel character. Probably even worse. LOL.

Still love 3S. I like the juiced up part about it any ways. Keeps things hype. I guess people can sigh a bit of relief now that Keeper Jin isn’t going to bring 3S down to one playable character.

So many people complain about Yun but when it comes down to it…if you wanna play 3S you gotta learn to fight with him. There are few really strong Yun players in the US any ways. There’s one strong Yun player for every five half assed ones. If anything we should be looking to get better with Yun than complain about him. Give me a challenge. LOL. As it is I’m still more afraid of Makoto than Yun.

A new soul arrives!:rofl:

You can do a medum shoulder instead of the lunge punch at the end for a better ender

anyway, its still not that useful

Pyro was Chuugen, so it’s not like tackle maeda had it in the bag. But as Harmonaz said, as soon as he activated, it was pretty much over. Also, SBO is a good a time as any to show off that kind of stuff because it is looked at more of as a business attraction as opposed to a serious tournament. While it is actually a tournament, the main concept is to attract people to come and watch and get interested in the games being shown in the hopes that people will buy more of their stuff.

The main concept is winning the fucking tourney. SBO is the highest of high level play. Just because they try to make money off of it doesn’t mean it’s not a serious tournament.

Yeah, the guy who played in SBO wouldn’t know what the main concept of it is, that’s for sure.

Honestly this combo isn’t that hard to learn, I just spent about 2 hours trying to figure it out and i can get about 10-15 hits off a jab shoulder tackle almost every time. It’s more like a ROM infinite oddly enough than anything else. The execution isn’t nessicerally that hard, it’s just the timing is fast and repetitive.

Basically you want to hit down on your stick then tap mk, then as your stick resets to neutral hit mp, hp at almost the same speed you would to chain Kens target combo (if not a little faster). If done correctly you should get a cr mk, then a standing mp (which wiffs) and a kara standing hp that hits for a 2 hit combo. The way I learnt to do the KeeperJin was just by gradually building on this. after I mastered the 2 hits off a cr mk I canceled the hp at the end into another cr mk for 3 hits. Then once i got good at that I added another mp (which wiffs) and kara hp for 4 hits. Then 5, 6, 7, 8, until you memorize the rythem required to perform the combo indefinitely. Once you have memorized the input rythem so the hits chain into each other and allow for Yun to move forward when the opponent is mid screen, and allow him to stay in one spot when the opponent is cornered, you have successfully learnt the KeeperJin.

Now all thats left is to find all the character specific setups off 123 and shoulders cause I noticed these were not the same (obviously).

An example would be for Ryu the setup is 123 xx Genei Jin, cr mp, KeeperJin starting with cr mk

But for Urien it is 123 xx Genei Jin, cr mp, wait a fraction of a second, KeeperJin starting with cr mk


Yun is gay!