"Needs more Dudley!" The Boxer Video Thread

it’s very underused by a lot of balrogs and even some top ones, but it’s got amazing speed across the screen and it breaks armor/hits hard/sends to corner/mostly safe if you hit the tip (completely safe with ex) so why not use it a lot :smiley: i really don’t get why people don’t use it more.

the speed is most important, people don’t expect for it to make contact so quickly and fast. got insane range/speed.

Maeda vs. Mago for those who haven’t seen it. This is one Saget you won’t see Maeda chew up. A good set, but actually sorta upsets me to see Mago dominate as much as he did (especially since as far as I can tell, Rog is for some reason getting more nerfed than Saget in SSFIV); shows how bad the match-up really can get against certain Sags.





mago’s style is like perfect to beat boxer as well. so annoying!

Anyone got a link to a good Boxer vs Guile matchup? I was checking out the ones at the sf-dojo, but all of them were pretty old…

So depressing watching Taison get manhandled by Mago.

Yeah, conserved with well placed TK pressure. I think alot of us were just worshiping those maeda vids where he just corner raped sag (i know i did), but vids like this bring us back down to earth to sorta remind us how/why the match-up still favors Saget.

Here’s a couple Ive found recently.[media=youtube]6aX2gSTS2nw&feature=PlayList&p=E903EBA73610790B&index=0"[/media]


Long set of[media=youtube]TRvc04C_WIc"[/media]

[media=youtube]11ub3UdaI64"[/media]. Japans best boxers square off. Plus tons of new Maeda and Pamyu vids on LordAborigines channel.

Hello everyone, i’m posting what i’ve wrote on my first thread here because it’s more appropriate.

I started to record some of my match, in order to see where i could get better, to re-watch my match and realise my mistakes…I play balrog.

I would like you guys tell me what’s wrong with my game, what i should improve and what i should keep.

This is why im sharing with you guys some of my videos, i would like to start with a good one (i guess) against a good ryu.

youtube vido : [media=youtube]tNTqVUBF7T4[/media]

Here is my channel (with all other videos) : http://www.youtube.com/user/Didiplouff

Thank you, and if i made any mistake in this message, forgive me, my native language isn’t english ;).

Hope some of you guys will get enough time with my “issue” and help me grow up ^^.

Didiplouf .

actually the more appropriate place would be http://www.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=185698

Thanks to whoever posted DeeDogg’s movies has got me hooked - Just uploaded a Boxer Mirror Match set of fun, especially love how into it he gets, shouting out “UPPAH!” when doing Uppercuts >.<


Great stuff :wink:

Rival Beatdowns Tournament: Frodo (Ry) vs vVv Scrub (Ba) Winners Final
vVv Scrub / PR Balrog - Bloody hell, if I had a grain of his talent as Boxer I’d be happy and content - Great fight, shame about the quality though.

Maeda doing work.



hes so solid. makes me want to fuck sleep and stay up all night playing

The Japanese commentators are the most entertaining thing to witness ever. They should use them as the blueprint for the commentary in the actual game. LOL. Chris Hu should be the english counterpart. LOL.

I went to WCG 2010 cannes and got some footage of daigo playing boxer and me playing like an idiot against fuudo . I’ll try tu upload it later

I was looking at some Maeda Taison footage, and to say he had a bad day during this matchup is an understatement.


I felt like that was me getting hit with all of those FA’s.

Keep posting the inspiration guys.

me vs fuudo


daigo playing boxer against eita



Nice shit Bushin187. Thx

daigo playing boxer against eita

this is good stuff! Daigo reminds us that fundamentals zoning and spacing are still core when using Boxer